Chapter 7

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[A/N] I hope y'all will like this chapter, I made this at 4AM because I have insomnia.
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Love you all :*

Maura looked at her closet unsure on what to wear on her date with Jane. She did know however if she didn't decide quickly she wouldn't be ready when the detective came to get her. She sighed again. In the end she decided on one of her many little black dresses and a pair of black Jimmy Choo's she left her hair down but made sure that the curls were more precise and only put on light makeup.

I hope she thinks I look okay. I don't think I've ever been this nervous about a date before. Maura double checked her appearance and fed Bass just before the doorbell rang.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see a bouquet of carnations in Jane's hand. "I uh... Brought these for you." Jane said nervously "They told me that pink ones mean 'I won't ever forget you' the red ones are 'I admire you' and the white ones mean 'sweetness' or 'pure love'" Jane blushed as she handed Maura the flowers. "You look amazing."

Maura blushed at the compliment as she took the flowers. "That's very sweet of you. and you look stunning as well." Jane was wearing a nicer suit. The only one that she'd ever had tailored to fit her in fact it was all black and a silk white shirt.

"I couldn't decide between this or the red dress I own." Jane said with a chuckle as she watched Maura put the flowers in a vase.

"I imagine that would've looked just as good." Maura couldn't keep the smile off her face if she tried.

"So are you ready to go?"

"I am." She smiled following Jane out. It's really happening. I'm really going on a date with Jane. She brought me flowers and dressed up and everything. I don't know if I can believe it. She brought me flowers.

Jane turned on some classical music when she noticed that Maura didn't seem as talkative as usual.

"Do you ever play the piano anymore?" Maura asked suddenly as she listened to the piano concerto that the brunette had put on.

"No. I haven't tried honestly. I mean I loved playing before everything happened. But every time I sit down at a piano I freeze up." Jane frowned. "Hoyt took that from me. I haven't tried to play since I killed him maybe I could again someday."

"I would love to hear you." Maura took Jane's free hand in her own. "I imagine you play beautifully."

"I don't know anymore." Jane sighed. "I decided on Italian if that's okay" Jane grinned trying to change the subject.

"I love Italian." Maura grinned. "Did you know that most first dates are to Italian restaurants.?"

"I don't think I knew that. But it doesn't surprise me that you do." Jane really wanted to look at Maura but she decided against it since the last time she turned to look at Maura while she was driving it ended in her having to perform emergency surgery. "I'm sorry I'm not more original. I've never actually had to plan a date before." She laughed a little.

"I don't mind what we do for our first date Jane. I'm just glad we're finally having an official one."

"I am too." Jane squeezed the hand in hers trying to convey everything she was feeling through that simple touch.

When they pulled up to the restaurant Maura was surprised to see that it was one of the nicest in town. "Jane..." Maura looked over at the detective.

"For you it's got to be perfect."Jane said simply as she got out of the car. She handed the keys to the valet after opening Maura's door.

"How did you even get a reservation? This place usually books months in advance."

"Being a homicide detective can have its perks." Jane smiled not letting go of Maura's hand as they walked in. they were shown to their table which was outside on the balcony. "I checked the weather it's supposed to be clear skies and relatively warm." She said as she pulled out Maura's chair for her.

They got halfway through the main course before anything went wrong.

Jane's phone rang. She recognized the ringtone as Frosts and frowned. "Please don't let yours ring too." Jane said hoping that frost was just trying to bug her but knowing that was highly unlikely. Maura's phone went off and Jane finally answered hers with a sigh. "Rizzoli,"

Frost rattled off the address and Jane sighed again as she hung up. She quickly paid for their dinner. And they left.

"We went almost a week without a single homicide and of course someone decides to kill someone the night we finally decide to go on a date." Jane practically growled. "Stupid job."

"It's fine Jane. we'll go out again soon."

"Doesn't mean I'm any less unhappy about our first date being interrupted," Jane said as the pulled up to the crime scene.

"Lookin good Rizzoli, did we interrupt something?" Frost asked trying to lighten the mood that surrounded the house.

"Yes you did. But don't worry about that tell me what we've got." Jane stepped into her Detective persona instantly. She owned the crime scene it was one thing that Maura had always admired about Jane.

"The vic is female Heather Mallor, lots of blood around the head we'll know more once Maura gets to her." Frost turned his head away from the body. He didn't puke as much anymore but he still got a bit squeamish at times. "Sister came for their regular movie night and found her. We talked to the neighbors no one heard anything."

Maura approached the girl and took her initial assessment. "It looks like Trauma to the head is the cause of death but I can't say for sure, I'll know more once we get her to the morgue."

"She has a wedding ring on. Anyone heard from the husband?" Jane asked loud enough for everyone around to hear.

"Nope. But we'll track him down."

"Great. Well we can't do anything until Maura get the autopsy done."

"Speaking of the Doc. You showed up together and I know the doc normally looks nice but both of you look nicer than normal." Frost looked at Jane. "Did we interrupt a date between you two?"

"You know that's really none of your business." Jane snapped.

Frost grinned. "You know to me that's as good as a yes. I'm sorry we interrupted you. You and Dr. Isles are a good fit."

Jane couldn't stop the smile but she quickly replaced it with a frown. "Track down the husband Frost."

"I'm on it." Frost smiled.

"That's all we can do if no one heard anything. Did we take the sister in?"

"Frankie did. We'll go talk to her she seemed pretty shaken up about everything." Frost followed Jane away from the scene. "You know I'm your partner. You can talk to me."

"The reservation was impossible to get on such short notice." Jane shrugged. "I wanted it to be perfect... and I really don't know why I'm telling you any of this."

"I'm a vault. And you look like you really need to rant. Naturally the person you typically rant to is involved in this."

"That's true." Jane frowned. "It was our first real date. I bought her flowers with meanings and opened doors and pulled out her chair. And it wasn't a cheap meal either."

"Sounds like you went all out."

"She deserves it. And I really want this to work. I suck at relationships and I don't want ruin what we already have together but after everything we've been through I can't I can't hide how I feel anymore."

"Sounds to make like you're pretty sure about her, so it shouldn't be a problem for you."

"Don't tell anyone about this please. I'm not actually sure I'm ready for everyone knowing yet."

"No worries. Like I said I'm a vault."

"Thanks Frost. You're a really great guy." Jane smiled.

Maura was smiling too. She may not have been there for the entire conversation but she'd been close enough to hear Jane say she was worth it. I don't know if I could ever love anyone like I love her. She's so sweet and kind and I don't think she even realizes it. I know she wants to be in charge but I'm going to plan an excellent date for her. She deserves it twice as much as I do.

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