Chapter 4

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Jane followed Maura down to the morgue just to make sure she got there okay. If I look at her she'll know... she'll do that facial expression reading thing and she'll just know that all I can think about is shoving her against this elevator wall and taking her. She frowned.

"You'll be okay?" Jane asked when they reached the bottom floor. She looked everywhere except for at the blonde next to her.

"I'll be fine. My pain has significantly decreased." Maura managed to catch Jane's eye for a moment. She recognized the worried expression and smiled. "I'll sit when I need to."

Jane nodded. "You know how to reach me if you need anything at all." She pushed the button to head up but just before the door closed she put her hand in the way to stop it. "It's good to have you back Maura."

Jane made her way to her desk in s bit of a daze. Is being close to her always going to be this hard from now on, She couldn't help but wonder. She pulled at her hair twirling it is slowly before she realized what she was doing Maura's voice ran through her head 'That's a sign of sexual frustration.' Jane groaned and pulled her hand away from her hair looking at it as if it had betrayed her. Stupid hair, stupid hand, stupid frustration.

"You okay Jane?" Frost ask looking at his partner with concern. "You seem kind of out of it."

"Fine, I'm fine. Maura insisted on coming back in today. I'm just worried her leg isn't healed enough."

"I don't know if you've noticed this Jane but Maura is kind of a genius and a doctor. I think she probably knows what she can and can't handle. Don't worry about her so much." Frost shook his head with a chuckle. "Besides it's not like she's out in the field examining bodies. She's got some paperwork to catch up on just like you."

Jane grumbled at that but she couldn't help but smile a little at her partner. "You're right."

"Of course I am." Frost grinned. "I'm glad you and the Doc are friends again. You're much better as a team when you're not fighting."

"I'm glad we are too." Jane admitted easily. "Now get back to your own paper work or get me some coffee."

Frost chuckled again but went back to his paper work diligently. Jane tried to focus on the work in front of her but she found her mind wandering to her friend. The problem was the longer she thought about the blonde the less innocent her thoughts became. She stared blankly in front of her imagining Maura sitting on her desk with her legs crossed, her dress was short so it would ride up and expose just a hint of pale, smooth looking thigh. She could imagine running her hand over the skin there and reaching under the dress and running her fingers over the outside of Maura's panties. She could almost hear the whimper that her actions would cause. Jane bit her bottom lip to hold back a groan.

Her fantasy was beginning to move into much more dangerous territory when Korsak shocked her out of her daze with a put on the back. "Hey Jane I heard the Doc was back. Have you seen her yet today?"

Jane felt her cheeks warm a bit, "Yeah we came in at the same time a few hours ago." She shrugged.

"That's great. Why don't ya take her to lunch or something? I'm sure she is just as bored as us up here." Korsak gave the kind of smile Jane had labeled as his 'I'm up to something smile.' But instead of arguing with the older man she gave a sigh and stood.

"I don't know what you're up to but anything is better than paperwork."

Frost snickered. "You want to be down there anyway even if he is up to something."

Jane glared at her partner. "I'll be back up later give me a call if anything interesting happens."

"Yeah sure. Say hi to the Doc for us."

I did want to see her anyway. I always want to see her. Besides if I didn't go down they'd think we were still fighting. Or worse. Still I don't know if this is a good idea with the way I've been imagining her. Jane frowned as she hit the button to the basement level. Best friend, best friend, best freind. I just need to keep that in mind and I'll be fine. She repeated this up until the moment when she walked into Maura's office and saw her studying something on her computer. She's adorable. Jane smiled and leaned against the doorframe content to wait until Maura noticed her.

"Jane!" Maura jumped a little nervously upon noticing the brunette. "What are you doing down here?"

"Korsak said I should check on you. Ask if you wanted to get some lunch with me." Jane smiled. "So? Do you want to? Go get lunch with me that is." Why the heck do I feel like I'm asking her out on a date or something. We go to lunch together all the time why would this time be any different than any other time.

"Lunch sounds great,"

"Cool, great, where did you want to go?"

"You decide today. It's my treat you've fed me the past few days so today I return the favor." Maura smiled.

Jane watched Maura carefully as she walked while trying to think of a suitable place for lunch. "We could just go to the Robber and get a couple of burgers." Jane shrugged.

"I haven't been there since..." she trailed off with a frown. "Let's go."

"We could go somewhere else if you'd rather."

"No the Dirty Robber is fine." Maura smiled again though it wasn't quite as big as it had been.

Maybe fighting with me really was as hard on her as it was on me. I guess I didn't even imagine what she was going through. Her biological father and her mother were in the hospital. And she probably felt like she couldn't hang out with anyone here anymore. She probably felt so alone. She didn't have anyone. I took all of that from her when we were fighting whether I meant to or not.

"I'm sorry." Jane apologized for what she felt like was the millionth time. "I just realized how lonely you must've felt while we were fighting. I really am an asshole."

"Jane everything is fine now, we're friends again. I'm not lonely. I have a family. I have you. And Frost and Korsak. And anyway I'm used to being alone so it wasn't like it was something new."

"No one should be alone when they're going through what you were going through. You should Never Ever have to feel alone. I won't let you feel like that ever again if I can help it."

The M.E. couldn't help but smile at her friends' conviction. Part of her knew that Jane couldn't actually control how she felt but a much larger part believed every word Jane had said. "I know you won't." Maura replied simply.

I love you. I never want you to hurt like that again. I never want you to feel alone or like you don't matter ever again. I want to show you exactly how important you are to me. I want to show you how not alone you are. Jane felt the words threatening to spill out of her as she watched her friend walk past her. So instead of talking she did the only thing she knew how to do she acted. She pulled Maura into a crushing embrace, barely resisting the urge to bring her lips to the smaller woman's.


"You're not alone." Jane mumbled into her hair. "You're never alone."

Maura blushed and looked up at Jane. The emotion she saw in the brunette's dark eyes was overwhelming.

Maura's lips touched Jane's shyly, her entire body relaxed at the gentleness of the kiss. Jane's eyes widen briefly before closing as just enjoyed the feel of the woman in her arms.

Jane. Maura pulled away first. "I know." Was all she could say in reply.

[A/N] thank you for reading!! I'm so so sorry for the long wait! I have some things going on... I'll update soon!

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