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I wake up to my alarm beeping a hundred miles an hour and my twin brother Charles jumping on me.

"What could you possibly want right now?! I groan out covering my face with a pillow.
" For you to get up!!!" He exclaims into my ear the best he can because of the pillow" 

"FREE WILL!!! I Don't have to!!" I yell, though it comes out muffled by the pillow and I'm not sure he completely understood.

"I'm older!! So you have to listen!" He says in a matter-of-fact tone.
"By two minutes!" I yell back
"It still counts!" He says sounding offended and runs out of my room.

Are we sure he's fifteen and not two??

I yawn and stretch, flinching as my warm feet hit the ice cold floor. I quickly get an outfit and take a shower, once I'm done I change into the outfit. 


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I pull my hair up in a ponytail and don't put on any makeup since i'm not planning on going anywhere today.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen and make a bowl of cereal. I run upstairs real quick because I forgot my phone and know my best friend Lena will be texting me soon. When I get back downstairs my parents are in the kitchen arguing, again.

I sit on the stairs listening for safety to walk in there.

"I just don't understand! Why would you do that!! You know he has been looking forward to it for months!! Why now!?!" My mom yells at my dad. 

"Because you live an expensive lifestyle. I have to work if you wanna keep on the way your living now!!" He yells back at her, getting into her face.

"I don't!! Your the one who's Nike this and best stake house all the time!!!" Mom yells in defense. 

At least she has a point, my dad won't buy me a four dollar perfume from the dollar store that I asked for but he will go buy himself two new pairs of Nike shoes.

" don't. And maybe you know... Since I'm the one working... You could actually clean up after your kids!" He yells. He can't really use that as defense though properly. He told her the workforce was full of crooks and no good people that could hurt her, that she should stay home and be his housewife and take care of us kids while he worked. He only told her that so somebody could be home while he stayed late for work, probably making out with some intern. But of course she followed him blindly and once I was old enough to understand the situation completely and tried to talk sense into her she wouldn't listen.

" Our kids Rob! They are OUR kids!!" She yells anger seeping in her tone obviously. "And you told me not to work!" 

"I never said that!" Yes you did, I may have been four but I remember that conversation, I didn't fully understand it but I was there and remember it quite well. "Maybe you should tell YOUR kids to clean up after them selves. Like, who left this out?!" He yells picking up my bowl from the counter and throwing it at my mom, luckily it flies fast her hitting the wall and shattering to a million glass shards onto the floor, causing mom to flinch. Dad glares at her, probably blaming her for his bad aim and storms from the house.

I wait a few seconds before I hear his black Prius squeal from the driveway.

Mom falls to the floor crying as she frantically tries to pick up the glass shards, she looks almost as shattered as they do.

I run over and pull her hands away and wrap my arms around her embracing her. "It'll be ok mom, I'll clean it up, just calm down." I sigh rubbing her back a little and she nods. Once she calms down a little I help her to the couch and bring her a glass of ice water. I then sweep up the shards, mop up the milk, and wipe any milk and cereal off the wall. 

I make a new bowl of cereal and eat it, once I'm done I wash the bowl and put it away and then run up to Charles room and close the door behind me.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this, without doing something. Dad;s been getting so violent lately." I say biting my nails as I pace across his room.

"What is there we can do?? I mean... They fight all the time. It's not like we can stop them." He says rubbing his elbow. I remember that last week dad got mad and had pushed Charles causing him to ram sideways into a bookshelf and his arm had been hurting him since.

"I'm thinking of- Oh never mind." I say sighing and continue pacing.

"Thinking of what, Charlie?" He asks sounding worried and I look over at him.

"I said never mind, It's a stupid idea and I would probably end up dead by the end of the week." I laugh but I didn't really use the right words trying to distract him from what I started to say because he looks mad I'm not telling him now.

"Charlotte Marie Mars!! Tell me right now!!" He yells and I sigh.

I hate it when he uses my full name.

I walk over and sit beside him and look down at my feet.

"I was thinking of running away"

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