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As I walk up to the door worry fills my stomach, more so than it already was. What if something bad happened? What if he doesn't actually like me like that. All these things run through my head as I step up to the door.

I knock three times before the door opens revealing Jonah. He looks at me. He almost looks, worried, or disappointed. I wonder what's  happened. "Jonah, corbyn called-" I was cut off by Corbyn pushing Jonah out of the way and hugging me. "We need to talk"   those four words caught in my brain. Talk about what? Was he gonna end this? Was he gonna say it was all a prank and that I was naive? I thought of the possible the he could say aa he grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to his room. He shut the door behind him and locked it before sitting on the bed. I sat beside him.

"What did you-" I begin to say but he cuts me off.
" Is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"Are you, did you..... This." He finally ended his sentence setting his phone in my hands. It was pulled up to a new artical about.... ME AND CHARLES!!?!?

"Corbyn, I can explain."
"No. Why didn't you tell me you were kidnapped, or a runaway. This says missing since the night before we met. Did i meet you just as you got here?"

"Yes. But let me explain. What happened"

"Ok. Explain, please because I really don't understand any of this."

"Ok. Me and Charles. Our parents fight all the time. All verbal no physical fights. But the fights were always, Charlie did this, or Charles didn't listen when I asked him to do this, or my dad yelling at my mom that she was being the worst parent towards us. Even through all the stuff he said i still considered him my dad, my father, i still looked up to him. He was always gone to work but he was still my dad. Then one day I had woken up earlier and went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal. Well, i had forgotten my phone upstairs so I left my bowl on the counter anf went for my phone. When I went back downstairs my parents were fighting. Saying awful things. I was ok then, until my father told my mom we were HER kids. Not his, hers. Then he threw my bowl towards my mother's head and stormed out. It missed mom but she was so emotionalaly injured. So, me and Charles packed our backpacks and left. We couldn't handle it any longer."

"I'm so sorry Charlie. I shouldn't have asked and made you say all that. But if it's ok to ask, what about Veronica? You said she's your sister right. Did she come with you guys to here?"

"No. When I was ten. Ronnie, Veronica, was 15. One day she came home crying, later when me and Charlie were supposed to be sleeping, I heard my mom and dad screaming at her. The next morning she was gone. They had kicked her out. I hadn't known why until recently. I found out they kicked her out because of Sawyer. Because Ronnie was gonna be a teen Mom, and they didn't want the embarrassment of they're child having a child."

"Wow. I'm so sorry I said anything. But Charlie, you know you can't stay in a hotel much longer."

"I know. I think I'm gonna ask Ronnie if I can stay with her."

"If she says no, even though I know she won't, your welcome here."

"Thank you bean."

Then without warning I engulfed him into a hug. Before i pulled back and gave him a huge kiss that lasted a few minutes. When I finally did leave the kiss I wished we were kissing again.

"Well, I should go. I didn't tell Charles or Ronnie I was leaving."
"Ok. See you tomorrow??"
"Yeah, that sound nice."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before I stood, grabbing my phone and returned my shoes that somehow ended up leaving my feet, back to my feet. The. I turned with a wave and left towards downstairs. I ordered an Uber and left when it arrived. For some odd reason I felt better after telling him that. Like I want him to know everything about me. What is this boy doing to me?

Corbyn's POV

I had just finished telling the boys everything Charlie had told me, just 30 minuets earlier. They all sat there mouths dropped and speechless.

"So, they just, ran away?? Have they talked to they're parents since?" That's what came from Zach's mouth.   Why the heck would she talk to her parents, idiot. It seemed as Daniel had read my thoughts as he repeated my thoughts exactly. "Why would she call them? She ran away from them and if she called they could come get here. Idiot." He said the last part slapping the back of Zach's head
Zach just shrugged and whispered "ya never know".


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{Word count 879}

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