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Corbyn's POV

As I watch the movie I can't help but look at Charlie. She's so beautiful and sweet. I don't think that she could ever do anything wrong. I love it. I love her. The movie goes off and she looks up at me. I look into her eyes for a minute before I remember I chose a few slower songs that we could dance to so I stand and stretch. I then grab her hand and pull her up and turn on the music. I place her hands around my neck and then place my hands on her waist. I can't help but stare at her. This girl who I've only know a few days has completely stolen not only my mind and thoughts, but my heart. As the song changes I realize these songs make me think of Charlie. I look into her eyes and I can't help it anymore. I crash my lips against hers. I take in her scent, she smells like raspberries and mint. I never want to let go.


*The next day still beans POV*

I wake up and go downstairs to get breakfast. As I walk into the kitchen the guys are all sat around the table, they don't notice I walk in.
"How should we tell him?" Daniel says "when should we tell him?" Jack says "we definitely need to tell him today." Jonah says back "it's ok guys, Corbyn's strong. He.... Will be able to handle it" Zach says "we just need to tell him" "tell me what?" I ask confused. They all jump not knowing I was in the room. Jonah let's out a breath before getting up and putting an arm around my shoulders. "We need to talk" he says leading me towards the backyard.

We sit down on the grass next to the house.
"Ok so what did you need to tell me about? It sounded...."
"I know.... Ok so, we didn't want to worry you when you got home last night but, we were watching the news when a missing child report came across"
"Was it one of my family members?!?" I say worried
"No it was for.... Charlotte and Charles Mars. 15 and missing from they're home in Utah."
"Charlotte and Charles..... Mars? But that's..... Charlie. Was it her?"
"The picture was of them. Look"
He pulls out his phone and shows me the news website.

Charlotte and Charles Mars.
Missing from they're home in Utah since Tuesday night.

Missing from they're home in Utah since Tuesday night

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That is definitely Charlie I couldn't miss her green eyes and dimples anywhere

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That is definitely Charlie
I couldn't miss her green eyes and dimples anywhere.
So.... What happened.

Charlie's POV
I'm chilling in my room with Veronica, Sawyer, and Charles when I get a call from Corbyn. He tells me to meet him at the Starbucks where we met then hangs up. I could hear the urgency and concern in his voice so I don't question. I just get up and change into some jeans, one of Corbyn's hoodies that I stole, and red converse. I then grab the key-card and my phone and head out the door. I wonder what happened?"

Sorry this chapter was so short. The next will be longer hopefully but right now it's 12:32 am and I'm exhausted. Soooo..... Yeah I'm going to bed now and will write more tomorrow. Love you all and ⭐PLEASE VOTE! ⭐

{Word count 559}

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