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I wake up to daylight, the sun shining in my eyes, and my brother shaking me lightly.

"We'll be there in thirty minutes." He says quietly, as to not disturb other people around her who are still sleeping.  I nod, yawning as I check the time on my phone. 9:13am 

Once we get there we put our bags on and get off the bus. We sit on a bench and count how much money we have. A couple thousand once we put our  money together.

We decide to go to Starbucks. Neither of us truly function without coffee. Charles goes to the bathroom so I order for us. After I order,  I turn to go to a table and run right into another person.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim in embarrassment, only to look up and see its a really hot guy. My chees flare up. 

I grab napkins and and start trying to wipe up his shirt.

"It's fine." He says taking the napkins from me and pushing my hands away.

"This actually happens often, believe it or not." He says laughing and I smile, feeling a little better.

"My names Corbyn." He says reaching out a hand to me and I shake it.

"I'm Charlie." I say smiling. 

"Charlie?" He asks.

"This happens often, believe it or not." I say laughing as I repeat his words and he nods. 

"Well Charlie, let me buy you and your friend I'm guessing, a new coffee." He says smiling. 

"My twin brother, Charles, and there's no way I could ever let you do that."  Why on earth would somebody pay for a new coffee when I was the one who ran into them.

"Well if I can't buy you a new coffee you have to let me sit with you and your brother." He wagers. 

"Fine." I say, I wouldn't mind getting to talk to him more.

I just met him and I already feel like I could tell him anything, yet I'm also so nervous. How am I this stupid?

I go to the counter and order two more life sources, oops I mean coffee, no I mean life sources, and then sit at a table with Corbyn. When Charles comes back he walks over to us confused.

"Hey Charlie." He smiles. "Who's this dude?" He asks gesturing towards Corbyn, as he takes a seat next to me.

"Oh, this is Corbyn, the newest victim of my clumsiness." 

They both laugh, making me blush getting slightly embarrassed.

•30 mins later•

I get a call from Lena, suddenly realizing she doesn't know we left. I get up and walk outside, answering the call. I explain what we did, leaving out where we went and then we talk for another ten minutes. When I go back inside the boys are laughing. When they see me they stop, they're faces turning serious, then immediately bust out laughing again . They're faces turn red when all of a sudden Corbyn snaps out of it, making a terrified face at his watch and jumping up.

"He's gonna kill me!" Corbyn screams as he jumps up running to the counter. He orders something and then runs over to us. "Sorry I have to bolt." He says hugging me and Charles and runs outside. He jumps into a van and drives away.

"Well that was... pleasant." Charles says sounding unsure as to what word he should use.

We both laugh and exit the Starbucks. Walking towards what our phone says is the cheapest motel.

Corbyn's POV

I hurriedly pull into the driveway and park. I quietly sneak into the house to hear them talking about me.

"This is what happen's when we send Corbyn on the coffee run." Jonah sighs.

He pulls out his phone as I try to sneak to the kitchen. Suddenly my phone rings scaring me and I jump, almost spilling the coffee. They all jump at the sound and turn around, Zach being scared enough that he grabs the lamp as he turns around.

"You scared the crap outta me!" Zach yells dropping the lamp onto the couch.

"Dude what happened to you?!" Daniel exclaims looking me up and down.

I look down, suddenly realizing my clothes were still covered in coffee. I laugh slightly, not realizing the sound had escaped my lips. Jack smirks and I look at him confused as he comes over and takes the coffee from me and sits it onto the table. All of a sudden he runs full speed to me and begins tickling my sides, causing me to fall to the ground. 

"CORBYN'S GOT A GIRL FRIEND!" Jack yells dragging out the r in girl and the i in friend. He starts laughing and gets off of me.

"I do not." I scoff rolling my eyes. "I just ran into a girl when I went to get the coffee, the reason this outfit is ruined, and I got distracted talking to her and her brother until I remembered I went there to get Jonah's coffee and I would probably die slower the longer I took to get here." All the boys laugh.

I start thinking of how much of a rush I had been as I left and a frown takes over my smile.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asks, being the first to notice the saddened look on my face.

"I just realized I was in such a rush, I forgot to get either of their numbers or Instagrams." 

"Well what are they're names? Maybe we could find their Instagrams, or Google them, maybe something would come up there." Daniel suggests.

"Ok, Instagram, good idea, Google, no I'm not a stalker." I say rolling my eyes laughing at Daniel.

I grab my phone and go to Instagram and type in a bunch of different things until I finally find her Instagram. She's so adorable in all her pictures!! I follow her and turn on the notifications, hopefully she wants to talk more.

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