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Charles pushes me into the car and I sigh. "Whats wrong?" I ask looking at him confused. "I saw.." He looks down. "Please Charles?" I put a hand on his shoulder. "I saw Amelia." He says quietly. Amelia?! Holy crap...


"Promise me Charles.. Take care of Charlie for me ok?" Amelia says hugging Charles. "And Charlie.. You need to promise too, promise to help mom as much as you can. Ok?" She looks into my eyes. "Ok Amelia. I promise " I hug her and Charles hugs her as well. "I promise too Amelia." She smiles sadly and stands up with tears running down her face. "Where are you going Amelia? Are you coming back?" I ask sadly "I'll come back one day Charlie..one day I'll come back and get you and charles from this place. I promise." She turns with one last look at us before climbing out of the window and closes it behind her.

A tear runs down my cheek. I never saw her after that day.

"Mommy where's Amelia." I cry hugging her. "Amelia left you Charlie. She left because she didn't love us. She didn't love our family enough.. She hates us now and you are never to speak with her again. Understand?" "But mommy-" "Stop backtalking your mother!" My fathers voice booms and I hide behind the couch. "Charlie!" He yells grabbing my feet and pulling me out and makes me stand up. He looks angry "YOU DO WHAT YOUR MOTHER SAID!" I whimper when he yells ans he pushes me towards the ground, I hit my arm on a table making me cry and he gets mad, throwing a book at me that makes my nose bleed.

They always said she didn't love us.. My dad got violent when I would ask about her.

Tears run down my cheeks violently as I hug onto Charles. The last time I saw Amelia I was 10, she was 16. I wanna go to her so badly. I know she wouldnt make us go back there... But she doesn't love us..does she?

We finally get back to the motel and go inside. "Im gonna go shower." Charles sighs, taking his clothes and walking into the bathroom. I sigh, sitting on the bed and stare at the wall.

Does she? Does she love us? Would she protect us? There must be some other reason why she left. It was probably the same reason we left, we're only a year younger than she was. I remember a time when I was about 5. Amelia got in trouble at school for wearing sunglasses, she had them because our dad gave her a black eye but she wouldn't tell them that, so they called home. Dad beat her and locked her in her room for the entire weekend with only one meal. He would sit there until she finished. It was terrible.

A sudden ringing makes me jump and I look up. My phone is ringing. "Hello?" I answer it. "Hey Charlie." Corbyn says from the othed end of the line, obviously smiling. Probably because I answered. "Ive called four times, is everything ok?" I furrow my eyebrows. "Four times?" I ask looking at the time. Ive been sitting here for almost two hours. How did that happen?!? Charles is asleep beside me facing the other way. "I'm sorry Corbyn." I frown "its ok. Can we FaceTime?" "Sure" I answer completely forgetting I had been crying. "Woah.. Are you ok Charlie? Have you been crying?" He looks into the camera. "N-no.. No I haven't been crying." I stutter wiping at my face but it's futile. My eyes are red and swollen. "Tell me please." He frowns and I shake my head. "later."

The Call

Corbyn- Hey Beautiful. How are- Hey were you crying??

Charlie- why would you think that?? And hi handsome.

Corbyn- Cause your eyes are puffy!
(I hide my face. So but he tells me to stop. I'm still beautiful
I explain everything and he just nods Wich makes me nervous until he mumbles something it sounded like he said I above moo 😂😂 I don't pay attention. We talk for almost an hour until we say out goodbyes)

End of Call

Once we end the call Corbyn texts me. Dang he misses me already. I laugh. He texts me saying to be ready at 7 tomorrow night and wear something casual. I def won't be! I say ok and tell him bye. Now that we are done talking. For real this time. I go and lay in my bed ready to sleep when I get a DM on Instagram. I look at it.
It says " Does your pretty boy know your secret cause i do
It also has two pictures. Ones of me and corbyn kissing in the beach. That one made me smile, but as I see the second one my smile fades. A look if worry comes on my face. Its an artical. It says local twin teens Charlotte and Charles Mars, missing!

I text back asking who they are.

All I get in reply is "well wouldn't you like to know!"

I plug in my phone and roll over. I don't want Charles to know. He can sometimes have a short temper.


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