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     Hey guys! Really sorry I haven't been updating in a while. School started back up and I've been pretty busy. Also thank you so much for over 500 reads! I never thought that would happen! Thank you!! Btw i'm shook from the freaking amazing first comeback for Stray Kids! My wig is snatched!! Anyway enjoy the cheaper!! -straycheeseuuuu😜


It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Hyunjin. He hasn't been to any practices. To be honest, I starting to worry that it was because I kissed him. But I don't have time to think about it. The showcase is in 3 weeks and I don't even have a dance prepared yet. I have to concentrate.

I sit in the dance studio thinking about all of this not realizing the instructor was calling my name.

"JayLee!" He shouted.

"Oh...sorry..." I say standing up.
He gives me a frown then starts teaching the dance.

A few steps into the dance, the door slowly opened. I looked at the door with wide eyes hoping it was Hyunjin, it wasn't. Hoseok had come to fill in.

Everyone in the room jumped up and down freaking out. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, shocked. He walks to the front of the class as everyone bows.

"Hello!" His bright smile lit up the room. We all greeted him.

"Ah," the instructor spoke. "Your here!" He through an arm around Hoseok. "Class, this is our new assistant instructor!"

All the girls squealed as the boys started yelling in excitement. I was just so worried about Hyunjin to think about anything at the moment. 

At the end of practice I went home for a bit and thought about the whole situation, but I eventually decided I needed to go practice my routine.

I walked in the dark all the way back to JYP. It was lightly raining so the top of my head was damp. The sidewalk was wet making my shoes squeak when I got to the building.

Once I got there a walked to where the hall of practice rooms were in the building.

Has I got closer and closer to studio B, studio C had alot of noise coming from inside.

I slowly walked to the door and placed my hand on the door knob and opened the door quietly.

I peeked inside and saw 9 boys facing the opposite direction of the door. In front of them were cameras and several stylist as well. One of the boys turned around and saw me. His eyes widened as did mine when I saw him. Hwang Hyunjin.


Im really sorry that this chapter was so short. I promise the next one will be longer.

Anyway have a good day, night wherever you are!! Peace fellow STAYS!

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