Chapter: It took me five minutes to realize

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I wake up and do the same routine with Lu. I go downstairs and she cooks me oatmeal since my mom is at work and well no one else is here.

I eat and let Lu drive me to school. "Bye Derek! I come by to you later," Lu smiles. I wave goodbye as I get out of the car. I walk to my math class and sit on the back. I take out the book and begin to read the first chapter.

"Hey I know I will find you here,"

Great, its Leslie. I look up at her with my eyes and she is wearing a long white hippy skirt with a red t-shirt and a big jean vest over it. She has a big bun with hair sticking out on the sides.

She sits next to me like yesterday. "You reading the chapter huh? I hate math but it is something very useful," she says.

Oh man, go away. Didn't you get my memo last time?

"So, umm, I maybe very like talkative, I dont mean to annoy you."

I ignore her and resume reading. Mrs. Sanchez comes in and says good morning to both of us.

"Hello Mrs. Sanchez," Leslie exclaims.

"Glad one of you has energy today," Mrs. Sanchez chuckles and begins to write down notes on the board.

"Do you want to hang out during lunch? I have a delicious sandwich that my auntie made," Leslie says.

I shake my head no as I continue reading.

"You sure?" she asks. "It has bacon on it!"

"Im sure," I say annoyingly. Jesus, this girl is really weird.

"Fine, well, I will be by the tree if you want company."

No thank you crazy future cat lady.

The bell rings and we begin to relearn the basic algebra from last year.


I'm walking to the cafeteria. The only thing I guess I enjoy being "special" is that I get to enjoy the good food first and don't need to wait in line. I go the international section and get sushi.

"Oh hello Mr. Long," Captain Brown says. He is at the register. We call him captain since he was a captain in the Marines. He got shot in his back and needed to retire early. He is only 32 years old, but like me, he has the structure of an old man. He has a curve to his back and needs to wear a support belt for it.

"Hey captain," I say.

"I'm glad to see you are okay," he smiles. His dark brown cheeks puff up as he smiles. "Okay, you got sushi, rice, and juice. That will be $4.19."

I give him the a five dollar bill and wait for the change.

"Oh hey!"

Oh gosh not that voice again! I see Leslie smiling at me. "I'm your helper!"


Captain Brown chuckles, "As we try to me full men, we aren't anymore. We are broken. The only way to be fixed, is to accept the help people give."

He gives me my change and tells me Leslie has been assigned to help me in my lunch break.

"why?" I ask.

"Well, I dont know," Leslie says. "They called me and told me to help you out in anything since of your situation."

"I dont need help," I say.

"Oh son, just take it, I don't think you can hold a cane and a plate now can you?" Captain Brown says.

Umm,I look down at the simple black cane and the plate next to the register.

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