Who killed Rainbow Steve and Why?

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I hate this one, but oh well.

I bet we can all agree that Rainbow Steve's death was the most heartbreaking episode out there. Although it didn't make me cry like when the boys got him back from what looked like the reverse dimension (nightmare steve sends him away), it made me so depressed for two weeks straight!

Not only that, but at the time I was trying to put the pieces together to who the heck murdered Rainbow and exactly WHO'S NECK I NEEDED TO BREAK!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

We all know who did it, but I had three possible suspects at that time.

The first one was obviously Positive and Negative Steve. They were the only mysterious, evil twin Steves created by Nightmare Steve so it was most logical.

The second one was, and hear me out, Light Steve. I know it's stupid but listen. Before we knew about the twins we found out that Light could summon glass, which is exactly what our murderer(s) used to trap Rainbow. Not to mention that he was gone for more than two weeks which made it even more suspicious.

My last suspect was, drumroll please................

Nightmare Steve! I know he was dead at the time but I had my suspicions. Nightmare Steve's death was... just not what I was expecting. I just, didn't feel right, and I guess my gut was right when he came back. I thought it was Nightmare because of how Rainbow Steve... died.
When Saber was in the nightmare dimension and Nightmare attacked. What did he use to trap him? Glass. The same size of glass that was used to trap Rainbow Steve!
However, that was all the evidence to go for. There really wasn't a lot.

We all know who rally did it, but if you had any idea of who else would have done it comments are open. Bye bye!

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