Elemental Steve's State

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This is late but ima show it anyway!!!

Caution: if you don't want to be bummed out, feel even worse then you maybe now, or even want to listen to sad depressing thing; I suggest not to read. If you think you can handle it by all means. Although you have been warned. Hey you could skip to the video further down! It's not so sad there! If anything it's happy! I'll give a heads up! Just scroll down until you get to bolder words! Enjoy!

Elemental Steve is a favourite character of mine. He starts off by helping Sabre and Rainbow Steve, betrays them, But makes a comeback and... well I would rather not say.
I used to loathe him, like A LOT! I bet some of you reading this already knew this (based off of all the rants)! However, after I learned Elemental Steve's true motives, I grieved over his death!! I made an entire memorial for him in my Art Book. For more of my emotional trip with Elemental check it out!

Now, not only is Elemental Steve a good character in my opinion, but he's also a relatable character. Not just for me, but for people I know.

Elemental Steve had anxiety, depression, and here's proof:

Elemental Steve's story begins with Time Steve. Both Time and Elemental didn't know who created them and why, and both had a strong amount of power. Time Steve shrugged the idea of the creator off and decided to use his time and power (or just time? His power is time) to practice machinery; While Elemental couldn't stop thinking about it. He wanted to know so badly who created him.
Relatable. If you were or are an orphan, wouldn't you be the same? I wouldn't know, but I would assume.
Now because Time was so focused on his own thing he couldn't help but neglect his brother. When Elemental asked if he was interested in finding their creator/father (might as well be), Time barely even cared!
Also relatable! How many times have you told people that you weren't feeling great, only to be shut down?
Not only was Elemental neglected, but he was discriminated. He would lash out to try and get attention, and then Time would accuse him of being power hungry! I can agree with Elemental on that. He wasn't power hungry, he was just curious.
Now I Can definitely relate to this. When I'm sad, people think I'm cranky and grumpy, like I got off the wrong side of the bed. When I try to explain my situation I can't think of the words to explain it. That usually ends up with people thinking I'm making it up for attention.

With all that neglect and discrimination it probably lead Elemental Steve to depression. And with so eagerly wanting to find his creator anxiety started to show too much.
Elemental wanted control. He wanted answers. So when no one would help him he helped himself, and we all know where that lead.
He banished his brother, used Nightmare, betrayed Sabre and Rainbow, and tricked Ghost. He must have felt so alone. More alone than when he had Time around.

I'm sure Sabre wasn't a big help either. Have you seen Sabre complain about Elemental in his face? I would smack him for that if I could! He kept on saying that Elemental should have been there, and that he should take care of his own problems. If Elemental really did care for the Saga duo, then Sabre's speech broke that bond.

Then came Elemental's last stand. After Sabre brought Elemental back to his senses it was too late. The doomsday machine was activated and would blow up the world in second. The only option was sacrifice.
Notice how Elemental didn't suggest anything? See how he didn't hesitate to make the decision? That was most likely his own suicide.
Unable to bare the loss of everyone, and the loneliness he would feel he sacrificed himself.
I miss him.

You can stop scrolling down now!!!!

However, with the latest episode of the Steve Saga... this one here:

I have hope. This is kind of a theory note, but I figured it fitted in with the topic. There's now a slight chance he could be alive!
Now the doomsday device Elemental made wasn't really big. The technology of Minecraft isn't big enough to create world detonators (even if this is Elemental Steve that we're talking about)! If anything this could only be a nuke. That is unless the machine was made for a bigger task! What if it created a black hole like Galaxy?! I know. Black holes are supposed to be crazy holes of darkness And no way someone could survive or get away from it once in contact!! Although this is the Steve Saga we're talking about. Everything can't just end then and there... right? I swear if this is how the Saga ends I will scream regardless of who's around me!! But what we know of black holes are only theories. A black hole could just be a wormhole! What if Elemental is on the other side?

Thank you for your time and hope you enjoyed the theory!

Bye bye!!

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