Alex Is Origin's First Creation...

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I didn't believe it at first because of these points.

- the creation was hibernating
-the creation would have been hard to find
-they would still be hiding
-this is a steve saga

But now!

I was just slapped in the face here by reality!
Though it's not confirmed, you need to watch Origin's reaction to Alex! He isn't snobby, and he wasn't thinking it was a joke! He was stunned, shocked happy, and he lashed out at Sabre and Galaxy (which terrified me SO MUCH!)! Origin looked scared as well! And was very possessive of Alex!
THINK! Origin is an emotionless plastic toy! Why would he go all soft over Alex? Further more why did he know her and sound surprised to see her?!

Alex is the creation! I didn't think so at first but now I'm flipping out! The question is though, why? Why would he make an Alex and not a steve?
I think it's because Origin wanted a girlfriend? Or a wife! Oh boy I just see the ships now... flooding in. Thanks but I'd rather see FabremyAlex ma dudes.

And now Alex was taken by a sick sadistic maniac! I knew she'd be gone in a week! This is what happens when you get attached people!

Welp I'm hyped and scared at the same time!

Bye bye!!

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