loves me like I'm brand new

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"Do you think that fishes can pee?"

Her crystal clear laugh filled the walls of your bedroom, the bare, creamy skin of her collarbones vibrating underneath your right cheek. "Did you just ask me that? After what we just did?" she giggled, the thin arm around your naked torso holding you just a litte bit tighter. You breathed in the flowery scent of her shampoo while you mindlessly traced tiny circles against her abs. You loved nights like these; where you make love to each other until you're too tired to keep going, where you lay down and entangle your limbs until you can hardly tell where your body begins and where hers ends.

"I'm sorry," you whispered against her neck, your breath tickling the tiny hairs behind her ear. "Did I ruin the mood for tonight?" you joked teasingly, placing your lips over her earlobe before gently biting it. She shuddered lightly, and if you weren't so pressed against her you wouldn't have noticed the little tremors that made her whole body tremble.

"Baby," her voice is so soothing that you could almost fall asleep. You placed the weight of your body onto your right elbow, finally able to look down at your girlfriend. She stroked the tips of your slightly curly blonde hair as they fell onto your chest, and you brushed your left hand against her right cheek, your thumb touching her forehead lightly. "I love you," if your faces weren't so close you probably wouldn't have heard such a soft whisper of a delicate admission.

"I love you, too, Karlie," you said lovingly, smiling at the way her dimples carved her cheeks into the most beautiful grin you've ever seen, the same one that you've fallen in love with years and years ago. It almost felt surreal to have someone like her, someone like Karlie, into your life. Her sunshine personality flooded your darkest days just in time, halting the bitter ones and instead filling them with those sweet smiles of hers. You were so grateful; for being so lucky, for Karlie, who was still being a costant in your life and not just a temporary wagon in the tumultuous train that was your life, despite all the rumors and the whispers that were being yelled behind your backs. When you met her that cold November night, you never imagined she would stay by your side no matter what. Yet, here you are, three years later, same month but different dynamic. After the earthquake that took place in your life this summer, you were sure she would have left you. How could someone so perfect, so down to earth, be with someone who people called liar, snake, fake?

You heard the faint sound of a whisper fill the darkness of your room and as the moonlight filtering through the window lit up the green jade of Karlie's eyes, you realized that it was you who broke the silence, but filled it up with hopeful promises. "Would you run away with me?"

A wholehearted giggle was about to bubble out of her mouth, but when she realized how serious and filled with optimism your voice actually was, the corners of her lips immediately stilled. Millions of emotions flashed in the depths of her eyes, as the hand that was brushing your hair came up to cup your left cheek and pulled you in closer. She didn't kiss you right away; Karlie softly nuzzled her nose against yours, spreading the warmth that was flooding inside your stomach, filling it with thousands of blue butterflies. She placed her lips against yours, applying slight pressure, before breaking the kiss due to the tiny smile forming on her lips.

You held your breath, and then, came the answer,



"You never answered my question,"

"What question?"

You halted your walk. "Remember that time we had an amazing sex and afterwards I ruined the mood by asking you if pishes can pee? Yeah, that question," you said in a monotone.

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