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Karlie run up the stairs, hearing the deafening sound of the wheels of the train rattling against the tracks. She was short of breath, slightly annoyed that she was late once again, and puffed out a sigh of relief when she reached the train's doors and stepped inside, before they closed shut behind her heaving body. The wagon would have been empty, if it wasn't for the old lady sitting quietly in the middle seats and the young cute girl perched with her legs crossed across her.

Karlie slipped her Metro pass inside the pocket of her drab jacket, pushing her chin into the fluffy material of her gray scarf as the cold outside sneaked inside the train car. With an awkward walk, she found her place one seat away from the other blonde girl, eyeing the old woman across them before finally relaxing. She closed her eyes after having checked the time,


For once, she was going to be on time for work. Not that she's not the boss at Professional Photography Group, but she had to at least set a good example for her colleagues who admired her works. However, everyone in the world knew that Karlie Kloss wasn't and never will be a morning person. Waking up early, opening your eyes and be vigilant before 9 a.m wasn't her thing.

"Excuse me?"

The soave and quiet voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She turned towards the source and suddenly was face to face with the most beautiful and breathtaking pair of blue eyes she's ever seen in her entire life. She blinked once, realizing that the cute girl beside her required her attention as soon as possible.


"I usually don't take the underground. Do you know how long it takes to arrive at Paddington?"

Karlie gaped at her for a second before looking up at the Bakerloo line map. "Um...about twenty minutes," she replied once counting all the stops that were between Stonebridge Park and Paddington.

"Thank you," the blonde girl shyly averted her eyes, her gaze lost somewhere around the wagon. Karlie stared at her profile as they entered a dark gallery, while the faint sound of a lady warning the passengers that they were about to approach Harlesdon filled the silence, along with the wheels whirring against the tracks.

"Are you from Stonebridge Park? I've never seen you around," Karlie spoke softly, not knowing where the confidence came from. Her cheeks blushed a deep red, although the December weather outside would probably turn her words into ice.

"Yes. I work at Paddington, though."

The girl who has yet to introduce herself was timid, her sentences short and meant to be polite. "Oh, where do you work at?"

"In a bakery."

Karlie nodded, rubbing her hands together as the train stopped in front of Kensal Green. Only five more stops were separating them from Paddington. "Uh, do you mind if I ask you what bakery? I, uh, love fresh bread,"

Karlie mentally smacked herself when all she got was a weird look from the blonde girl. "Wendy's bakery."

"Oh, cool,"

Three long minutes and a stop later, Karlie decided she was not going to give up. "You know, I work at Professional Photography Group. Baker Street,"

The stranger cracked up a small smile, too small to properly notice it, but Karlie already knew it was a nice smile. She had a feeling it would be as blinding as the sun.

Once they reached the stop before Paddington, Karlie said, "You have to get off at the next stop."

"Okay. Thank you,"

The blonde girl pushed her phone into her purse along with the white ear-buds, standing up and gripping the cold yellow pole above her head. Karlie gazed at her, the girl not seeming fazed by her blatantly staring.

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