first time

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Author's Notes: someone on ao3 has requested kaylor making love for the first time. This is basically fluff and awkward moments mixed with smut. Hope you like it!

               I'm not the type of person whose hands begin to sweat and get all clammy due to nervousness. I'm more the anxious type, the one that fidgets and shifts their weight from one foot to the other.

My eyes quickly glance at the clock above the kitchen door. Ten minutes. Ten minutes and Karlie will be here. Ten minutes and my girlfriend will burst through that door and pour sunshine in my night. I hate the way she makes me feel. The anticipation, the longing. It's all very frustrating, to say the least. We've been friends for three long years now, but we've only admitted our feelings to each other just recently. Two weeks ago, precisely. And we've kissed sure, there had been very serious and long, really long make out sessions where I was sure I was going to die from the lack of oxygen she let me get through my nose. But we've never gone far from that. From the kissing. While kissing we touched each other's face, we tugged each other's hair and we rubbed each other's backs, but our hands still hadn't roamed all over each other's bodies. Something that, quite lately, I've been craving, a lot.

The thought of making love with Karlie for the first time excites me, it makes the growing butterflies in my stomach fly recklessly and freely. It makes my heart burst with pining and my hands shake in anticipation.

And that was why I was really nervous tonight. Tonight,  the day before 2018 begins, I was ready to risk it all.

Days ago, I had asked her if she wanted to come over. To have a proper date even though we've been on multiple ones in the last couple of years. And, for the occasion, I obviously wanted to wear a dress. A dress that would have left her breathless, one that would have led to more than kissing.

I was hoping tonight would end that way, since I don't know how much longer I can last or resist. The desire to reach out and touch her skin, pull her in and take off her clothes has been too much, lately. So much that I've almost freaked out, a few days ago.

The make out sessions hadn't helped at all, since, after all of them, we were left with nothing but a racing heart and a throbbing between our legs.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, when the hour hand lands on the number eight, the bell rings and my heart skips a beat. Breathe, Taylor. It's going to be fine. Before going and welcome my guest, I use the reflection of my body from the refrigerator to check my appearance. I decided to have my hair down, I've wanted to let them grow since I've cut my hair short a few years ago. Tonight my golden tresses were wavy, past my shoulders, the dress I was wearing was a deep green and it was strapless, showing off my shoulders and my collarbones a little. I was sporting heels since I wanted to be the same height as my girlfriend, and once I was content with what I was looking at, I take a deep breath and launch towards the front door, opening it quickly.

"Hey," she says quietly, her eyes darting from my eyes to my outfit. "You look stunning," she adds just as slowly, stepping inside as I closed the door behind her. Once she was out of her coat, she pulls me in a tight embrace and subtly kisses my cheek.

I wrap my arms around her neck, folding my elbows as I reply. "You look stunning, too,"

She leaves butterfly kisses all over my exposed shoulder, creating goosebumps along my back. We pull back at the same time and lean in simultaneously, kissing each other slowly. Kissing Karlie is still new for me, even though we've been doing this for two weeks. It was familiar, her thin lips molding with my plump ones as we engage in an impromptu make out session. We stand in the lobby, the warmth in my chest growing with each flick of the tongue, with each bite that lands on my bottom lip.

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