Year 2: Chapter 1

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"Willow!" Fred exclaimed. "Thank Merlin you're okay! What on Earth were you thinking? We just got done with the Smith family's situation, now this! Are you trying to get killed? You promised- "

"Oh, shut it already with that nonsense!" Willow interrupted. "I don't need a lecture right now, and I'm perfectly fine."

"You are not fine! I know bloody well you've made sure Harry has everything he needs, which means you probably haven't eaten in days, and- "

"Fred! I'm fine! See how I'm breathing? I'm not bleeding out, I won't starve to death for at least another week, I've had enough water to get by, and I've slept enough to kill a dragon."

George and Ron awkwardly glanced back and forth between Fred and Willow as they argued, not sure what to do. Willow noticed and finally shut her mouth. They had more pressing things to attend to at the moment.

"We'll talk this out later, Weasley," she promised. Fred gave her a stern look that meant she was going to be held to her word. "Do you want me to wake up Harry, or...?"

"Yes, that's our reason for coming here," George said quickly, looking relieved. "You keep an eye on the hallway for now. If the Dursleys wake up, let us know."

Willow nodded in ascent. She shook Harry awake, and the moment he saw the Weasleys he sprinted to the window. Willow took up her position next to his bedroom door, peering through the peephole and listening intently for any sign of the Dursleys' awakening. So far, so good. It appeared that the Dursleys were sound asleep.

Suddenly, the Ford Angelina revved. Willow whipped around just in time to see the bars come clean off Harry's window. Ron and George worked together to store it in the back seat. Listening intently, Willow put her ear up to the door, but not a soul stirred outside Harry's bedroom. She sighed in relief. The twins jumped into Harry's room, unlocked the door with their hairpin ("I told you it comes in handy! Two times in a week!"), and stealthily made their way downstairs to the cupboard. Willow crept into the hallway and stood directly outside the Dursleys' bedroom. There still wasn't a single noise. Harry appeared from his bedroom, looking frazzled and pale.

"I'm going to help the twins with my trunk," he whispered. "Please come help. It's dreadfully heavy without any extra charms on it."

Willow silently ran down the steps with Harry, finding the twins struggling to move a massive trunk. Even with the four of them, they barely managed to skip the creaky step, and they were panting heavily by the time they reached the landing. Fred, George and Harry continued into the bedroom to put the trunk in the car while Willow stayed behind to keep watch. She was glad she did, because the moment she let go of the trunk, Uncle Vernon coughed. Her blood ran cold at the same time Harry lost his color. She listened closer to the bedroom, but there was nothing. Willow put her hand over her heart, letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. They were safe for the time being. Vernon was coughing in his sleep. Hopefully.

"Willow, go get Harry's broomstick, will you?" Fred asked.

"On it."

Willow dashed down the steps. She almost forgot about the bottom stair, but dodged it at the last second and rushed into the cupboard. Grabbing Harry's Nimbus, she ran back up to the landing, nearly crashing into George as he careened into the hallway.

"Oh, so sorry!" Willow apologized.

"No, no, it's fine, I should watch it," George whispered. "Someone coughed again. Had to check it out." His expression changed as he glanced at Willow's arm. "What the bloody hell happened to you already? How do you manage to injure yourself every five seconds?"

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