This Ain't the Jersey Shore

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The next day was essentially a rinse and repeat of the previous one. On a day to day basis, my life was not exciting, regardless of what my friends and family thought. Don't get me wrong, I could and did still party just not as much as my family and friends assumed. They should have known better than to trust social media. As we'd gotten older Sean, Wes and I had learned that we needed to put just as much energy into our company as we did into partying and the focus had paid off for us.

My early morning conference call with Sean and Wes had gone well, our plans to expand our operations into the US were progressing. Mainly because we'd taken a firm step beyond games. Sean, with all the loved up bliss of someone who'd found his person had created a dating app. Not just any dating app though, it was a dating app to bring the freaks, geeks, nerds and gamers together. Don't ask me the details, I couldn't tell you. I wasn't the technology person. I was the 'make sure that that Sean, the technology person, and his minions, had everything they needed to make the magic happen' person. Wes was the one that made sure we had the money for me to ensure that Sean and his minions had everything they needed. Oh and did they ever make the magic happen because with the success our dating app, our games and our other technological innovations we wouldn't just be the biggest gaming company in Europe we had world domination in our sights. Yes, I do realise that makes me sound like a megalomaniac, some days I even liked to practise my evil genius laugh.

Sean and Wes had begun to discuss the idea of adopting a baby; something which could potentially cause them problems when it came to work life balance considering the workload that world domination would require and would certainly cause problems for their pristine Notting Hill townhouse. Although I have no doubt their plans included an army of domestic help I couldn't quite understand why you'd have a child only to have it raised by a battalion of nannies. Overall I found it tough to understand children at all, my sister was the child friendly one in our family not me. I wholeheartedly understood and agreed with the necessity of squadrons of maids to keep their house in gleaming magazine worthy condition. Sean and Wes suffered a peculiar problem, they both had a burning need to never see a household item out of place but deep down they were a pair of pigs who scattered domestic chaos in their wake.

I was almost ready to pack after an even longer day than usual when in a repeat of the previous day my phone chimed with a message as I tidied my desk. This time however the message was from my other best friend. The one no one knew anything about. Note I didn't say imaginary friend. He wasn't. Imaginary that is. Snookie was definitely not imaginary he was my only friend that knew almost all of my secrets. Damn, he even was one of my secrets.

Snookie – It's fucked. Everything is fucked. I feel like my head's going to explode.

Me – What's wrong Snooks my little panda?

Snookie – You should be asking what's right because that's an easier and shorter answer. Nothing.

Fuck. The boy sounded down. Technically at thirty-six years old I should be calling him a man but in my head he was still the young guy I'd first met years ago. Hell I hadn't even gotten a reaction from him for the horrible nickname I'd gifted him with after he'd coined his own Jersey Shore nickname for me. We had a running joke where we gave each other stupid nicknames, the more annoying the better. It had been that way almost from the first moment we'd met and I, for one, never tired of it even if it did mean that sometimes he called me names that made me want to punch him in the face.

I dialled his number and this time the guilt hit me hard, he knew all almost everything about me and as much as I loved secrets I hated keeping them from him, I really should have let him know I was in San Francisco.

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