Coming Back

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"This is a really bad idea. I feel like an idiot," I grumbled holding my arms out wide and frowning at Zacky who was trying unsuccessfully to stifle his laughter.

In the few days since our return from London our relationship, after one or two wobbles, was once again friendly. I hadn't given up hope that we were working our way back to being more than friends. Upon occasion I thought that I caught him watching me with something more than friendship but then just as I got my hopes up he'd do something that put me firmly back in the friend zone. Every time it happened it felt like he'd decided that although he'd surrendered to the pull between us once, he'd been burned and was slamming the door to coupledom closed behind him. Except each time he did it that door didn't shut quite so tight. I wanted one of those SWAT team battering rams to bash that door back open. It didn't feel like it would take much.

"Look at me! Look at me!" his angel faced son danced around us in circles showing off his Halloween costume. My heart melted and for the first time I looked forward to a future with The Spawn that did not involve sleepless nights and projectile emissions from every possible orifice on a baby's body. Don't get me wrong, I loved The Spawn and was looking forward to his arrival, I just hadn't yet managed to picture what exactly I was going to do with a baby other than be a slave to his bodily functions. My confidence in my mothering abilities was limited. But watching Zacky's son prance about his face alight with delight in his costume? I knew exactly how I felt. Yeah, I want one of those.

Laughing Zacky scooped the little boy up and said, "Come on. Let's get going. Everyone will be waiting." The sound of childish giggles filled the air as Zacky tucked him under his arm and produced his car keys. The bag full of assorted child related junk including but not limited to toys, wipes, snacks, juice boxes and clothing that Zacky picked up on his way past was a welcome reminder that when it came to The Spawn at least one of us would know what they were doing.

Zacky paused by the front door and looked over his shoulder to where I shuffled along unwilling behind him. "Come along my little nest of vipers, there is no way you're getting out of this," he prompted with an evil grin.

"I hate you," I grumbled.

Zacky's grin was suddenly less brilliant than it had been, "You know if I really believed that I wouldn't be here at all."

I hurried forward, my ridiculous costume forgotten for a moment. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I don't hate you. I'm glad that you're here....and that you don't hate me. Even if I do deserve it."

He was smiling again when he leaned in close and said, "You don't deserve it. I don't hate you, I've never hated you. Far from it." My heart just about jumped from my chest when he leaned close and brushed a gentle kiss across my lips. "Now come on, we've got places to be."

We pulled into Matt and Caitie's driveway to the sight of Westley and Buttercup comfortably ensconced in folding chairs on the front lawn. Bill and Ted were performing a truly excellent air guitar solo as they stood on an enormous chiller box.

Exiting the car we faced my sister and her fiancé. Their jaws dropped as they took in the full glory of our attire. There we stood, me on one side Zacky on the other, with a small excited crocodile between us.

They looked at Zacky and me open mouthed before bursting into hoots of laughter.

"Oh my god, that's great," Caitie dabbed at her eyes. "You've even got a joey!" She waved a hand in the direction of my mid-section.

"Yep, I sure do," I replied plucking it from the pouch of my kangaroo costume.

"Are you the fuckin' Crocodile Hunter?" Matt laughed.

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