Feed the Demon

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"There will be no beatings, arse kickings or even, for that matter, shit kickings," I huffed at Brian.

"Why the hell not? Who's the father? It sure as hell better not be that mountain climber dude that Ace told me you were seeing because I haven't even met him let alone seen his face around here lately!" Brian declared in outrage. I stifled the urge to giggle because it was pretty amusing to watch Brian summoning his best effort at parental authority.

"Anton isn't the father, we broke up months ago because he was too busy focusing on his ascent of Everest to spend time with me," I explained.

Steph looked sympathetic but before she could say anything Brian snorted, "Fuck Kelly, you need to stop dating these douche canoes and find someone with a real job."

"Says the guy who plays guitar for a living...."

Brian preened, "Hell yes! Maybe we could set you up with someone, what do you think?"

I think that one of your friends already knocked me up so I don't know if that's one for the plus or minus column of dating guitarists.

"Probably best not to you know? Unless of course you know someone who's keen for a date to attend a birth next April?" Without conscious thought I smoothed my hand over my belly.

Wow. There's actually a baby in there.

Steph caught my movement and grinned widely at me before turning to Brian, "You're not to tell anyone!" Steph poked a finger in to the centre of his chest.

"Why not? Caitie's going to be an aunt and Shadows is going to pretty much be an uncle. I know I set the bar pretty high when it comes to cute kids but I have faith that you can do good things KC." Brian scooped up his delighted son whose infectious giggles confirmed that Brian had indeed set the bar pretty high when it came to adorable offspring.

I retrieved my phone from Three's clutches. He still hadn't managed to crack my password. "It's early days yet. I just want to be sure that everything is okay before I tell people."

"But Caitie's your sister!" Brian protested as he tried to keep the chains around his neck from Three's questing fingers.

"Who lost a baby last year. I just want to know it's all smooth sailing before I tell her. Not to mention, I literally only found out today. I need some time to get used to the idea of being responsible for a small human." I looked longingly at Steph's champagne, I really needed a drink. "Fuck, I almost got a cat but decided that it was too much commitment!"

"You know you can't call a child Mittens right?" Brian smirked.

I flipped him off and after congratulating him and Steph again on their engagement I left to head home and get a head start on reading my pregnancy information pamphlets.

By the time Saturday rolled around I was a bundle of emotions and exhaustion.

Now that I knew my womb was incubating The Spawn of Vengeance every pregnancy symptom I'd been suffering seemed to have been magnified. Where I'd only been vomiting in the early hours of the morning previously I was now hurling day and night like a two year old filled with junk food on a merry-go-round. That was a magical bonding experience I had to look forward to in the not so distant future. I literally was only capable of eating dry crackers or toast, an absolutely delicious sweet potato, apple and ginger soup I'd found and oranges. Anything else made a swift reappearance.

My boobs had decided that they didn't want to follow society's expectation that they stay in my bra and were attempting to escape by any means possible, they'd currently decided on a two pronged assault involving overflowing the cups and a vicious case of nipple chafe.

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