Messages from the Vault - Thirteen

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Zacky – Hey. So spoiler alert!

Kelly – If you have any info on any of my TV shows I don't want to know.

Zacky – Calm down Square Eyes, I promise not to ruin any binge-watching you have planned.

Square Eyes – Ok so if you're not ruining my Netflix and no chill what are you ruining?

Zacky – Perhaps I'd be better to call it insider information.

Square Eyes – Come on then Deep Throat, what have you got to tell me?

Deep Throat – I ran into your friend Steph.

Square Eyes – Go on. Where, when, how?

Deep Throat – At a party.

Square Eyes – For fucks sake man, am I going to have to waterboard you to get this story?

Deep Throat – She was with Syn.

Square Eyes – Syn?

Deep Throat – You know. Brian. Lead guitarist in my band?

Square Eyes – Oh yeah, Brian. So when you say she was with him????

Deep Throat – He brought her to the party. I think they have a 'thing'.

Square Eyes – Get.

Square Eyes – The.

Square Eyes – Fuck.

Square Eyes – Out!

Deep Throat – Did you really need to say that in 4 texts.?

Deep Throat – I mean, did you just quadruple text me?

Square Eyes – Ha ha. Yes, I did. Emphasis is important. And don't think I didn't see what you did there....

Deep Throat – So now that you know I saw Steph and that she and Brian have a 'thing' I guess I should let you know that I might have been a bit of an asshole to her.

Square Eyes – Might as in you're not sure and need me to clarify for you or might as in you definitely were and are too afraid to admit it.

Deep Throat – Might as in I absolutely was an asshole and she'll probably tell you horrible stories about me. I am sorry and I have apologised.

Square Eyes – Did you mean it?

Deep Throat – Of course I fucking meant it!

Square Eyes – Good.

Deep Throat – But there is another thing.....

Square Eyes – What? For fucks sake I swear that you're trying to give me a heart attack!

Deep Throat – She might still hate me. I called her Tick.

Square Eyes – Jesus Zacky. She hates that.

Deep Throat – I know but I was trying to play it cool and pretend I didn't know too much about her. You know, not reveal how much insider information I have.

Square Eyes – Idiot. Knowing you're going to parties with my best friend makes me miss you even more.

Deep Throat – Going to parties with your best friend makes me miss you even more.

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