Messages from the Vault - Fourteen

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Deep Throat – Your little sister is sweet.

Square Eyes – Yeah, too sweet to be hanging out with you reprobates.

Deep Throat – Is it true that Aaron and Mel were going to take her on as a deck hand on their boat? Because I'm pretty sure that Brooks thought he had that gig all sewn up.

Square Eyes – Only as a last resort. It was the excuse we used to get her on a plane though. Mel and Aaron were pretty confident that Cathy would be able to come through with a job for her.

Deep Throat – And now she's working for Matt.

Square Eyes – I'm not sure how I feel about that. She's already been through so much, I don't know how well equipped she is to deal with what he's going through.

Deep Throat – Well as far as I'm concerned she's the best fucking thing that could have happened to him. She's managed to stop him from drinking himself to death.

Square Eyes – I worry about her.

Deep Throat – She's doing great. She's pretty funny when she drinks.

Square Eyes – You took my little sister drinking??????

Deep Throat – Matt took your little sister drinking.

Square Eyes – I though you said she stopped him drinking?

Deep Throat – She stopped him drinking his way into an early grave, he still drinks. Although when he took her drinking he was so busy trying to keep an eye on her he barely drank enough to get a buzz on.

Square Eyes – Still, I'm not sure that I like it.

Deep Throat – I'll watch out for her like she's my own little sister.

Square Eyes – I'm trusting you. Big Brother had better be watching.

Big Brother - Calm down Jo March, I'll watch out for little Beth.

Jo March – Did you really just reference Little Women at me?

Big Brother – Shut up, my sister liked Winona Ryder.

Jo March – Fine, just so long as you don't pull a Laurie and Amy on me.

Big Brother – Never. Even though we are both going to Europe. But I promise I will look out for her whilst I miss you.

Jo March – I miss you too. Take care of my sister. 

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