Just So Perfect

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Waking up to Zacky brushing his lips along my jawline was the best feeling in the world.

"Come on Little Mama, time to wake up," he murmured in my ear before giving it a gentle nip. I rolled over and wrapped my arms around him with a sigh of happiness. His lips met mine as my hand slid down his back, over his hip and moved lower in search of more interesting territory.

"Woah," he pulled away with a frustrated laugh. "There are still small eyes and ears in the house and right at this moment those small eyes and ears are waiting eagerly for you to come downstairs and eat pumpkin spice pancakes with us."

"Pumpkin spice pancakes? You're such a basic bitch," I teased.

"I'll show you basic," he growled as he lunged for me and pinned me to the bed.

"Daddy! I'm hungry!" The sound of small feet on the stairs accompanied the demand for food.

"Shit," Zacky rolled away from me and sprang to his feet. "Coming buddy!" He ran an appreciative eye over me, particularly my boobs before he reached down and flipped the bedcovers over me and turned to the door with a sigh of regret. "Damn, I love my kid but today the wait until his mother picks him up is going to kill me." He adjusted his jeans and gave me a pained glance over his shoulder as he left the room, "Don't be too long."

As if!

'Food' my stomach demanded with a roar. Or maybe it wasn't my stomach and it was The Spawn. Either way the noise was loud and nothing would keep me from attempting to eat my body weight in pancakes even if Zacky had managed to sneak a vegetable into them. As a child pumpkin had been my nemesis and more than one dining table battle had been fought over my refusal to eat it.

Zacky was in the bathroom hosing down an extremely sticky small boy when I opened the front door to admit Meaghan. I'd been out when she'd dropped her son off. I eyed her warily as she strolled past me into the house. Reaching the dining table she propped a hip against it and surveyed the remains of our breakfast. Folding her arms across her chest she locked her gaze on me.

Okay then.

"Zacky tells me that you and he are expecting a baby." Her eyes flickered briefly to my belly. At least this time I didn't look as though I were homeless. My emerald green sweater dress was something that I'd owned prior to my pregnancy it was just a fraction shorter and snugger but it looked fine over a pair of leggings, fortunately not the camo ones.

I swallowed. Hard. Where the hell was Zacky and why hadn't he warned me that he'd told Meaghan? I could recall him mentioning that he should tell his ex and I even recalled agreeing. He just hadn't shared the fact that he'd actually done it!

"Uh, yeah. We are," I responded hating how nervous I sounded and trying not to mirror her defensive pose.

"Congratulations I guess."

It was only my rock solid willpower that stopped me from rolling my eyes. This woman had the power to make Zacky's life immeasurably difficult so it was best that I didn't antagonise her.

"Thanks I guess." Oops, a little snark slipped out.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Look I get it you're happy. You guys are finally together after all these years and you're starting a family. But don't think for one moment that I'm just going to roll over let you make him forget that he already has a son. He's a good father and our son deserves him in his life."

Really? She thought I'd want that? And more importantly had someone hit her in the head to make her forget that she was the one who'd been withholding Zacky access to his boy?

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