Messages from the Vault - 8

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Poodle – Don't say it.

Muffin – Aw, why did you have to tell me not to? Now all I can think about is telling you...

Poodle – Don't!

Muffin – I told you so.

Poodle – My wife left me, a bit of sympathy wouldn't go astray here. You're supposed to be my friend.

Muffin – I am. That's why I'm trying to make you laugh. So you don't cry.

Poodle – I'm not crying I'm chopping onions.

Muffin – Get with the programme Poodle. I'm pretty sure Gordon Ramsey doesn't cry when he chops onions.

Poodle – Yeah but I bet Jamie Oliver does.

Muffin – Does that make you Jamie?

Poodle – He has a certain pizzazz.

Muffin – I don't know if we can be friends anymore. Chin up Jamie, that wench didn't deserve you. Do you see me getting upset about that brogrammer I met at Comic-Con who thought he could sleep his way into a hot job with my company?

Jamie – Yeah well I bet he learned a few inventive new curses when you kicked his ass Gordon.

Gordon – He sure fucking did.

Jamie – You always make me feel better.

Gordon – That's what I'm here for.

Jamie – Still got a huge fucking pile of onions though.

Gordon – Say the word and I'll make Sean handle this launch on his own. I can be there before you can say good riddance Gena, I'm better off with out you.

Jamie – No way. This is huge for you guys. It's just...

Gordon –

Jamie – I miss you.

Gordon – I miss you too. Now fuck off you fat useless sack of fucking yankee doodle dandy shite. Fuck off will ya.

Jamie – I'll look that one up.

Gordon - :)

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