Messages from the Vault - Eleven

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Zacky – Were you avoiding me?

Kelly – No, it was just a hard day.

Zacky – I wanted to be there for you. I don't understand why you wouldn't let me.

Kelly – I know and thank-you. I needed to focus on Aaron and Mel.

Zacky – You looked so fuckin sad I just wanted to hug you.

Kelly – Trust me I needed it and I wanted you to hug me so much.

Zacky – Then I really don't understand why you kept away from me.

Kelly – Because I didn't want to have to explain our friendship. Aaron and Mel needed me, Steph couldn't be there and I was the closest thing they had to her.

Zacky – Maybe they should have waited for her.

Kelly – Sometimes the right thing to do for yourself isn't the best thing to do for others. They needed to bury him so they could start to grieve. Steph will be sad but she'll understand. I wish she could have been there though. Ryan was like a brother to me and even though I know Steph would have been more of a mess than I was, he was her brother, I needed my best friend.

Zacky – That's more of a reason to let me comfort you.

Kelly – I know. It's just...hard. Speaking of comfort are you guys okay? I know that Ryan was a good friend and he and Jimmy were close. It must be hard for you that they're both gone.

Zacky – It is but I've got to say that it must be one hell of an after party the two of them have got going on wherever they've ended up.

Kelly – It sure must be but don't be offended if I say that I hope you don't get your VIP pass to it for a while yet.

Zacky – Me too. I need a few more stories to tell them when I get there.

Kelly – All good I hope! I didn't see Meaghan, was she there?

Zacky – No. I asked her not to come.

Kelly – WTF? Why?

Zacky – She didn't particularly like King to start with and if I'm being brutally honest I wanted to be there for you if you needed me without her throwing a fit.

Kelly – How could she not like Ryan?

Zacky – You know how he was. The guy was an absolute chick magnet and always had girls surrounding him and hanging off his every word. Funny how they all loved him, not one ever went off the deep end when he moved on to the next one. Meaghan thought he was a bad influence.

Kelly – Wow. Okay. Zacky I don't want you to get in an argument with your wife over me. If she has a problem with our friendship I can back off.

Zacky – She doesn't know and don't tell me I should tell her. I've known you a lot longer than I've known her and she's the one I'm married to and have a kid with, sometimes she gets jealous and just won't face the reality of the situation that she's my wife. No one forced me to marry her. I wanted to.

Kelly – I know. I just don't want to cause problems for you.

Zacky – You don't. Are you still in town?

Kelly – Yes, I'm at the Shorebreak.

Zacky – I miss you. I'm coming down there to have a drink with you.

Kelly – Ok. I miss you too.    

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