The Intruder Part 1

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I awoke and carefully looked around for sudden change, I pulled myself up and quickly walkd towards the door. I stood on my tiptoes and looked through the hole to see if anyone was out there, I sighed in relief and turned around sliding my back down the door. The shine of the camera caught my eye and I looked towards it "No need to fear the defender of Justice 707 is on his way" I chirped. Suddenly a robotic female voice echoed through the room causing me to clutch my phone tightly, I leaned foward and looked around the corner to where the sound was coming from, I slowly stepped to the living room.

Suddenly and ear splitting sound of breaking glass echoed through the room, startled I fell to the floor as glass pieces fell all around me "Hey miss, just stay there." I turned to face the saource of the voice "You'll hurt your feet if you dtep on glass." he held down his hand and I stared at it in surprise "Hello. You know who I am?" I moved slightly back as glass crunched behind me "The hacker?!" I tried to say as brave as I could. The mean leaned down and grabbed my hands before pulling me up "Smart lady" I was in the height of his eye's and we stared at each other as he put my arms down. "Wow, it feels so strange to see it like this" he says as his gaze wonders around the apartment "Do you know that" his face turns to mine and his eye's reflect his smile which is hidden. "I've come to take you to magenta" He paused and looked at my phone on the floor "The RFA is only filled with false hope." he reaches down and reads my notifcations before sliding the phone away on the floor "They are all lying." he stands back up and I look at the glass on the floor then to my phone "I will explain everything once we get to Magenta" he exlaims as he catches my hand.

"What are you talking about?" I question as I start to struggle "I'm not going anywhere!" His grip tightens on mine as I struggle more. I lift up my other arms to pull away but he holds the top of my arms and bring his face close to mine "Sorry, but you don't have any say." his grips loosens and he closes his eyes and smiles "You will be happy in the end too" My phone starts to vibrate and I look towards it then back at him "I'm not goign anywhere!!" I shout as I kick his leg. He lets go and I quickly run to my phone "Seven!!" I shout expecting him to be calling "Help me!!" I read my phone and relise it's only an alarm to take my tablets. "I expected you to resist..." He grunts as he pulls the phone from my hand "But you yelling out that filthy name is making me go insane" his other arm wrapas tightly around my waist and pulls me up. He looks at my still ringing phone "Why are you calling out that name?" He questions obviously noticing I wasn't being called. "Some one hasn't taken her medicine, hmm" He exclaims as he stops my phone. "He will not come." He slides the phone across the floor "Even if he does, he's already too late." his hands wrap around my waist and he places his chin on my shoulder. "I will clense you of your false faith, and show you true paradise." his whispered voice sent a chill down my spine.

Suddenly the robotic voice plays again through out the room "What is this...?" the robotic woman voice says something about the special security system being deactivated "No way...!" His head lifts from my shoulder leaving it cold. His head moves around the room "Where is this sound coming from!?" he shouts. Suddenly a loud door slam is heard and I look towards the hallway, I notice the same red head from the chat walk through the door mumbling to himself with a smile plastered on his face. "Seven!!" I shout as he notices my phone on the floor "Save me!!!!" our eyes meet and I feel a tingle of excitment inside me.

"Mc!!" He shouts as he looks towards the white haired man

"Shit! Why?" He holds me tighter "Why are you here!?" his arm slides up around my neck and he lifts up my head "I thought I could finally put you in pain...!" Seven smirks alittle and turns his whole body to face the both of us

"You're the hacker, right?" he says as he points at him up and down "Guess you're not completely shamless since you're covering yourself. You'll go to jail for braking and entering like this." A gust of wind blows my hair and Seven tilts his head "Whoah!" He walks to the side "You broke the window." He walks back over and glances at me up and down "Mc, be careful of the glass." He points at my bare feet "You'll get hurt if you step on it." I nod my head slightly and he smirks once again. Saeran shakes me alittle to get Seven's attention again "First, why don't you let go of that lady over there?"

"Even now, you still ruin my life" The intruder grunts through his teeth. Seven tilts his head and his eyes fill with surprise "Huh? You know me?" the intruder turns his head away from him.

"You probably don't know. I'm sure you've long forgotten about me." Seven's eyes narrow "You still don't know?" Seven's face fills with sorrow and he frowns slightly "No way..." He mumbles.

"I guess now you do." Saeran turns my body  so I can see the both of them, and my hands land on his chest as a fault to the sudden movement "Seven," I look up at the intruder "Do you know him?" I question camly as I look towards Seven.

"Oh that's" I noticed something familiar and looked at Seven then to the intruder then back at Seven, they had the same face. "I prayed so that I wouldn't meet you." I fidget slightly to break from his grasp "Because I knew that seeing you would remind me of my pathetic life...!" His grip slowly grew tighter. At this point his grip on me started to feel like a hug "What... what happened?" Seven questions with sorrow in his voice. I looked up at the intruders face and started to examine it more "Why are you here?" Seven's voice started to shake "You're saeran, right...?"

"Dont call me that" He shouts causing me to flinch in fear, his eyes meet mine and he smirks alittle at my reaction. Seven starts to ramble about what had happened with all the hacking and Saeran shouted again "Shut up!!" And I flinched once again, I started to feel like he did that because he liked my reaction to it "Why are you doing this?!" Seven shouted back at him "Rika told me that you..." He pauses and his eyes quickly shoot around the room

"Don't you dare say that name." He grunts quietly

"What?" Seven sighs

"Traitor!" Saeran shouts holding me tighter. I react to the pain and wince alittle "All the names you spit out will be contaminated" Saeran watches me carefully after hearing my pain "So shut up"

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