It Was Just A Dream

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Seven and I stood looking at a drawer together, he looked towards his phone and then back at the drawer "I turned off the security system for a minute" I nodded my head my gaze at the draw not noticing Seven's gaze at mine. "Mc. I think I'm ready to open that drawer" He pointed towards it and our eyes met "Are you ready?" His concerned words sent a twang through my heart and I nodded. "Yes, break it with a hammer!" I cheerfully shouted. A smile formed on his lips then fell back to a frown "Alright. You can't get hurt," He stepped infront of me "So stay behind me." I nodded my head as I looked over his shoulder. He started to count and as he got to 2 he smashed the drawer, I jumped slightly startled to the loud noise. I covered my ears as I closed my eyes and I felt a warm hand touch my ears "It's open" He said as he pulled my hand off my ear, I opened one eye and looked towards the drawer. "I think I've seen it before" My eyes widened at the sight of the logo's in the drawers. Seven grabbed the papers and I knealed beside him "Mint eye..." He looked at it closer "It's a rough draft of that logo we saw from that email." He looked around the room "Why is that here?"

"Do you think Rika was a part of mint eye?" I questioned as I pulled the draw out closer.

"No way..." He whispered "The Rika I knew would never..." His voice sounded doubtful. I placed my hand beside his "Damn it. I don't know what's going on." He moved his hand away and messed with his hair. I lifted my hand and placed it on my lap, as I did so Seven rose from the ground and stood infront of me "I should get to the Mint Eye building as soon as possible" he reached a hand down for me "but" I took his hand "I can't just leave you to be alone here..." He pulled me up and I kept hold of his hand "We'll have to go together, Seven!" I chirped as his gaze fell to my hand holding his. "Mc!" His voice was startled "You're giving me so much trust by saying that..." His eyes met mine and I felt the sorrow hiding in them "I'll never forget this" His grip on my hand tightened "With you here with me, I feel as if I've acquired some enormous superpower." he sighed "I don't want you to regret ever following me. I'll be by your side and protect you." His gaze dropped to the ground "If it's okay with you..." I squeezed his hand gentley and then stopped "Lets go together" I nodded my head


After a long day of planning and talking Seven laid asleep on the sofa, I walked towards him and moved the hair covering his eyes from his face. I removed his glasses genltly and placed them on the side, looking around the room I couldn't spot a blanket. I smiled before grabbing my quilt and bringing it towards him, I placed it on top and sat at the end of the sofa covering myself too. I watched his face as he slept and saw it twitching into a scared look, his clenched tighter and I pulled the covers of me and went to his side. I place my hand on his head and he screamed as I did so, I jumped slightly at the sound and tilted my head to meet his gaze "Seven, are you okay?" my hand rubbed his hair as his eyes filled with sorrow. "Did I surprise you?" He looked around alittle "It's nothing." He looked at the sofa he was laid on and pulled himself up "I'm fine, I must have been tired" He confessed as my hand fell from his head. He spotted his glasses on the side and then he turned to the quilt and eventually my bed, he sighed "I'm so glad that you're by my side" I smiled at his words and stood up moving towards the end of the sofa "Thank you..." His head met the sofa once again and I waited paitently for him to fall asleep. Once he did fall asleep I could look at his peaceful face and fall asleep with dreams of him

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