Part 6: Brooklyn Bro Down 2: Electric Boogaloo

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I was feeling pretty dejected. I was in a trash can (yet again), Doc Ock got away, and worst of all, I'm stuck with a Spider-Jerk who serves as a literal reminder of what I'll never achieve. On second thought, maybe I do belong in this trash can.

"Deadpool? You over here?" I saw Spider-Jerk head towards me as soon as he found me.
"What do you want? Don't you have a villain to go stop?"
"You wanted to come with me, remember? Besides, it's your fault Doc got away, so you're going to help me stop him whether you want to or not!"

I looked at him, anger all over my face.
"Excuse me? My fault!? Doc is only attacking because he knew The Avengers were gone with the wind! Something YOU neglected to tell me! And to add insult to injury, you decided to tell me once again how I'll never be an Avenger, even though I was the only here to help you!"

My blood was boiling over. I hadn't been this angry in a long time.
"So you know what?! Fuck you! Fuck you, I'm going home! You're on your own!" I yelled as I was trying to get out of the trash can.
"Listen Deadpool, if Doc Ock gets the plutonium to make his fuel rods, the city is going to be in major trouble!" I stopped my struggle to look Spidey in the eye.
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

Spider-Man sighed and lowered his head
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was out of line. It's just that when you questioned if Tony told me the truth, you re-aggravated a doubt I already had in my mind. The truth is I wanted to go to the moon base, and I was irritated when Tony told me I had to stay behind.
I've always wanted to go into space, and it made me wonder whether or not he and the other Avengers were actually going to the moon. But that's no excuse." He paused for a moment before he continued his apology.

"You don't have to accept my apology, but I need you to know that I do need your help. Like you said, you're the only one here who can help me. And if we don't move soon, hundreds of thousands of lives will be on the line. So what do you say?" Spidey reached out his hand for me to grab it. I was hesitant, but eventually I relented and grabbed his hand.
"Okay partner, let's do this."

He pulled me out of the trash can, and we started walking to the sidewalk. I looked at Spidey as something came to my mind.
"There's just one thing I don't get. How did Doc Ock know The Avengers would be gone today? Did you guys put out a public service announcement about it or something?"

Spider-Man looked at me and replied "Honestly, I don't know. We made sure to keep the moon base and the scheduled visits to it top secret. That's something I'm going to have to figure out, but it'll have to wait until after we stop Doc Ock. Now come on, we have a lab to get to."

"Just be sure to grab my belt this time, I don't want another wedgie."
Spider-Man chuckled as he grabbed my belt. He shot a web so we could lift off. I stuck out my arms and shouted "Up up and away!" as we started swinging.

MacArthur Labs
10 Minutes Later

We landed outside of the lab. It was quiet. Too quiet. At first we thought maybe we beat Doc Ock to the lab, but then an all too familiar sound broke the silence and crushed that theory. "BOOOOM!!!" There was now a giant hole in the wall on the side of the building. And out of that hole came Doc Ock, with what appeared to be two containers full of the plutonium he was after in his hands.

He chuckled to himself and said in a dark tone "Now I just need to take this to MY lab, and then I can make the fuel rods I need to make my Supersonic Boots even more powerful!"
I looked over at Spidey and asked if he had a plan.

"Not at the moment. But we need to think of something quickly." I looked at Doc Ock, then back over at Spidey. Suddenly it hit me.
"Lightbulb! Hey Spidey, have you seen Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back?" Spider-Man looked at me all confused. "Uh, yes? Why?"
"Because I have an idea!"

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