|Two| Natural Selection

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Fanta looked on, starting deadpan into the wide-scope gaze of her beat-up vintage video camera. Most of the family still seemed strangely oblivious to the camera, no matter how obvious Fanta was with it, and she found herself filming more and more often, eventually working out the settings on the camera and finding a way to download the footage rather than filming over it when she ran out of space. She had also managed to find the footage from the cameras previous owner, all the way up until she bought it from a local flee-market.

Currently, she was standing just within the frame, her expression deadpan. The red pattern of the stairs was visible as her backdrop, and she spoke as someone filming a documentary would.

"And here you can see the endangered Cookieus Thieferest in their natural habitat,"

Behind her, a soft and patterned thumping started, and Fanta quickly stepped out of frame, the camera shifting as she picked it up off of whatever surface it had been set on. Slowly, Cookie's body came into vision, the girl eating from a bowl of dry cereal, clearly not paying attention. Within the next second, Cookie missed a step and soon she was tumbling down the steps.

The camera flipped around before she hit the bottom to show Fanta, still deadpan, staring on as a final thump was heard off-camera, though the smaller ting's of her cereal following her down wildly persisted.

Fanta spoke over the sound, "Natural selection is coming for this specimen." and her words were followed by a very loud exclamation of "FUCK!"

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