|Fifteen| "Care To Take Her For A Spin?"

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"Uh, what is that?" Fanta asked as she stepped into the room, stepping over various wrenches and screwdrivers that were scattered around on the garage floor. The room was honestly mostly unused, filled with expensive cars they rarely drove, and only actually came into use when the house landed close enough to New York that Cookie brought her motorcycle home on the pretense of "keeping it away from Locks's grubby hands."

The girl was polishing that very same bike now, grease smeared across her cheek and hands, and looked up when Fanta spoke, watching as Ty turned to her and inclined her head, holding a futuristic tool in her hands.

They looked back to the open circuit board of the machine they were tinkering with, speaking as if it were obvious, "Time machine. Duh."

Fanta's eyes crinkled with amusement, voice full of good-natured teasing when she spoke, "Of course." they ignored Cookie's squawk of "its what?!" in the background as Fanta continued, "how stupid of me not to realize you have a time machine in our garage."

Ty grinned back, swapping out the tool in their hands in exchange for a oily rag, cleaning their hands before swinging the open circuit board shut, "care to take her for a spin?"

OTP Prompts But Its COATS And Mostly PlatonicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora