|Ten| Dragon's Love Bananas

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Ty readjusted the shoulder strap of their bag so that it didn't dig into their neck, and with a flick of the wrist, threw a hat off the coat hanger beside them, placing the hat on their head and running their hand off the edge in over-dramatic fashion.

In front of them, Fanta dragged on about safety and what to not do, like jumping from a plane without a parachute. Again. The others had already said their goodbyes and escaped Fanta's paranoid- although, knowing them it wasn't really paranoia- speech.

Finally, Fanta seemed to reach the end of her speech, with one last question, "And if a dragon says he is going to eat you, what do you do?" Ty looked up, a confused expression on their face, having never heard this question in any of Fanta's safety speeches- and she did have one tailor-made for each of them. Cookie's was the longest.- they hesitated.

"Uh," they said, waiting to see if Fanta would laugh and say she was joking, but her face remained serious. "Offer him a banana instead?" They tried.

Fanta nodded, laid a hand on their shoulder and drew them into one last hug, before finally allowing them to leave in peace.

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