|Twelve| Catching Trains

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Qween gave Cookie a dull, unimpressed look as the girl cussed out another mostly-innocent bystander in a hurry, telling the stiff looking man to watch where he was going, with a mix of colorful swearwords. When the girl finally turned back to her, looking all to pleased with herself, she blanched at Qween's look, asking an oblivious "what?" in response.

Qween only sighed, checking her watch for the third time in as many minutes, and grabbing Cookie so she could tug her alone through the semi-crowded train station before the girl missed her train. They made good time, no longer stopping to yell at strangers, and eventually Qween felt they were close enough that she could let go of Cookie and return to walking at a slower pace.

Cookie took the chance to dig around in her jacket pockets, pulling out an overflowing bag of Cinnamon hearts- Valentines day had passed, which meant they were on special and bought in bulk by the redhead- throwing one in her mouth and crunching down on it loudly. An announcement chimed from the speakers ahead, and only Qween bothered to listen for a moment, tuning it out only after she decided it wasn't relevant to them.

Cookie adjusted her cuffs before taking a step in the direction of her train, a dramatic and probably stupid one-linger already on her tongue, when she was stopped by Qween's hand around the back of her collar.

"You're not getting on the train on your own," Qween said, letting go of the other collar and allowing the girl to turn around and right herself, fixing her lips with a pout.

"Come on!" Cookie whined, fake New York accent that only got thicker the closer she got to the city present in her tone, "why not!?"

Sure, the girl could just use the Zetatube in the basement and teleport to her New York club, but the receiving tube there was locked from that side, and the girl insisted that nothing got her in the New York spirit more than a train ride. Something about reminding her of the subway, which didn't make much sense to Qween because trains where a lot nicer, and you didn't have to stand or worry about accidentally touching century old gum, but whatever.

"Because last time you missed your train, got on a different one, and went to Chicago instead." Qween said, like it was obvious. Which it was.

"I didn't miss it!" Cookie protested around the growing collection of cinnamon hearts between her teeth. Better than a cigarette, Qween supposed, "I just felt like taking a detour."

"To a different state?" Qween deadpanned, with a raised eyebrow, "where you proceeded to break into your own manor and fill the swimming pool with jello?"

"I was making sure none of my men were slacking off- which they were. Good thing I checked."

Qween rolled her eyes, finding no point in arguing with the girl any longer when they had a train to catch.

She tugged the girl along again, boarding their train and resolving to be better at Rock Paper Scissors so that this was never her job again.

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