|Seven| 'Kiss Me'

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Mini lay, staring up at the ceiling in despair. The white of the ceiling stared back at them, unphased.

"You good, mon Cheri?" Cookie asked, leaning over them and blocking their view of the ceiling, pulling the smoke from her teeth so that the ash wouldn't fall, holding it at an awkward angle behind her back.

"K-k-ki-" Mini stuttered, voice hoarse from the long silence.

"Take your time babe, its okay," Cookie said, teasingly purring out the pet name before leaning back so she could take a quick inhale of the smoke, before reappearing in Mini's field of vision.

"Ki-i-" Mini tried again, dread rising up in their throat and steal their words before they could say them, eyes glazing over, vision flickering from in and out of focus.

"You can do it," Cookie encouraged, amusement seeping into her tone as she watched Mini finally find their voice.

Mini took a deep breath, "KI-KILL ME I HAVE THREE EXAMS TOMORROW."

Cookie sighed, leaning back again, "Well, I was hoping for 'Kiss me' but letting out emotions is good too."

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