|Twenty| Road Trips and Would-Be Fist Fights

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Heat radiated off of the asphalt as the vacant road stretched endlessly across flat, grassy farmlands and rolling hills in both directions. The hot sun was at its peak and showed no mercy to those caught under its practically tangible rays. 

Cookie and Ty were locked in almost hostile eye contact, and to an outsider watching the scene, their words and body movements made it look like they were fighting, but to the other members also stuck on the side of the road in the stifling heat, it was obvious they were just letting out pent up energy that came with being in a car for six hours straight.

In the background, Jay lay in the vivid green grass, with one arm thrown over his eyes to protect them from the sun. Beside him, Qween sat criss-crossed, twirling a blade of grass between her thumb and index finger, squinting at the cloudless sky above them, leaking heat like a bucket of water with a hole in it. She wondered if this is how it would end: dramatically dying on the side of the road, not even halfway to their destination, listening to Ty and Cookie bicker. 

"Well if you hadn't have lost the map then maybe we'd be there by now!" Ty accused, struggling to keep their face angry and not brake into a grin at the sight of Cookie's painfully exaggerated annoyed look.

"Oh here we go," Cookie called to the deserted world around them, as if annoying it to the heavens, "it's always my fault isn't it!?"

They would go back and forth for hours, until they had run out of dramatic-soap opera accusations, if the others let them, so Qween intervened easily, raising her voice to make sure the two still standing on the side of the road heard her, "usually, yeah."

"I..." Cookie started, but broke off, realizing she had nothing to say to that, and her shoulders dropped as the flow of the "fight" was broken. Her and Ty loitered by the road for another moment, before Cookie grabbed Ty's wrist and lazily tugged them towards the others, where they both settled into the grass to enjoy the time out of the car they had. 

True, one of their phones would ring in about twenty minutes, Fanta checking up on them or Shwam somehow knowing they had stopped driving and telling them to get back on track, but they would enjoy the open space while they could. 

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