|Sixteen| Weekly Reminder

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Fanta looked back towards those who had every so graciously offered them up as a sacrifice with a slightly fearful look, focusing on Mary, eyes begging for help. The girl merely continued writing.

The others encouraged them forwards, unaffected by their pleading look, from where they were hiding around the corner of the kitchen. All but Cookie, who sat swinging her feet and drinking iced coffee on top of the counter, happily chatting with Jay, the subject of Fanta's mission.

Fanta drew in a breath, chest buzzing with nerves like a beehive and blood thick in her veins like honey.  There was no telling how even the most predicable members would react whenever this happened, so they had to be prepared for anything. 

They gently tapped Jay on the shoulder, and the boy turned around cheerfully, "Hey, dad." 

"You're so sweet and cute and precious," Fanta rushed out, resisting the urge to dive for cover as Jay registered the words, expression slowly darkening.


Fanta couldn't stop the words on her tongue before they escape, softly exclaiming, "how cute." in response to Jay's yelling. 

Jay grabbed the nearest weapon available- a frying pan- and Fanta made a run for it while Cookie loudly sipped her coffee.

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