|Fourteen| Married?

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"So... You're married?" Jay asked slowly, looking back and forth between Cookie and Shawm slowly, confusion edging around his eyes.

"Yes," says the Cookie at the same time Shwam says "no," neither of them looking to the rings they both wore.

Cookie rolls her green eyes, the gesture looking out of place with her expensive dress and curled hair, yet familiar all the same,"we were undercover in the Ukraine and needed an excuse to be in the legislature building. We picked up wedding forms."

The three were currently jammed together in a janitors closet, only a single light bulb on a string above their heads illuminating the small room, and the space was made only more uncomfortable by the stiff formal clothes they all adorned for their undercover mission. None of them had expected to be recognized, especially not by a desk-worker from a mission from years ago who had clearly climbed up the ranks, if their appearance at this party meant anything.

"Technically, that wasn't us, it was our false identities, who, may I remind you, are both legally dead. And fake." Shawm insisted, ignoring Cookie and turning to Jay, "I wouldn't marry Cookie."

"Wow. Rude." Cookie said, voice filled with mock-offence. "See if I ever marry you again on an undercover op."

Shwam was about to respond, when Mars's voice cackled over the hidden coms they all wore, "not that I'm not enjoying this, but don't you guys have a CEO to poison?"

At the mention of their current mission, the three snapped back to attention, Shwam adjusting the complicated string of braids her hair had been styled in before nodding. "Right, we'll stagger our exits by five minutes, then its back to Plan A," she said, voice taking that authoritative tone she had when giving orders, before disappearing out of the closet.

Jay tugged on the cuffs of his suit jacket, teasing words already on his tongue, when Cookie cut him off with an "oh shut up," leaving the other to grin wider.

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