Part 9

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This editing is taking longer than I thought it would but I like the story now so I'm not gonna complain about it


"I just don't want to talk about it, okay?" I sighed, turning my head to my best friend. She looked at me with concern, slightly turning her head to her right.

"If that's what you want." She said with a small shrug.

This was why I loved her. She was so hyper and giggly on the outside, but internally super caring and sympathetic. She was basically everything a girl would want in themselves, okay? Ideal personality, ideal looks, ideal life.

"He's probably so mad at me, fuck." I mumbled, look back down at my intertwined hands that were resting on my lap.

"That's his problem, you did literally nothing wrong." Lily comforted.

"I let him come with us. He's just another ridiculously famous, insane celebrity. That's what I did wrong."I said to her, staring at the ceiling.

"You have to be joking, that was his decision!" She raised her voice a little.

"Yeah, but I could've stopped him." I said emotionlessly.

I wondered how different things would be if I had just not let the fucking kid in. If none of this had happened and if he didn't confess his "love at first sight". I couldn't deny that I was extremely attracted to him, but love? That's a strong word.

"You're difficult." I heard her say. I was difficult. More than difficult.

"I really like him, Lily." I said softly, still staring up at the ceiling motionlessly. I felt my eyes water the slightest bit from simply thinking about the situation.

"He likes you too, I'm sure of it. You'll work it out." Lily reassured me. "Plus, who would've though you'd be crushing on Shawn Mendes." She joked with a soft tone. I couldn't hold back the tiny smile that appeared on my face.

She was right, who would've thought I would fall for a pop star that I just met. It's so unlike me, but so like me at the same time. I mean, I knew I'd fall for an Ed Sheeran lover, but Shawn Mendes? A famous kid? Not in my weirdest dreams would I ever think of being with a pop singer. But again, here I am.

"Yeah, I'm guess I'm not the type of gal to like celebrities. Unlike you." I laughed.

"Hey! I've stuck to one man for all of high school!" She yelled. I could hear her voice break from laughter in the middle of her sentence.

I couldn't deem her as a heartbreaker or a girl who sleeps around. At all. Even if she did have a tiny crush on various celebrities, she was completely devoted to Sammy and that was one of the many things I admired about her.

"I know, I know. You-"

I was cut off by a faint yell from the living room. Both of heads whipped around to the open door that Shawn had recently stormed out of.

"No! Yes! I don't fucking know!" Shawn yelled, his voice booming throughout the apartment. I instantly say up straight on my bed and looked at Lily, who was staring back at me worriedly.

I crawled to the edge of the bed and hopped off of it. I walked to the door, noticing the guitar still lying on the bed. Lily definitely knew about guitar, but she didn't know I sang, thankfully. She lead me out of the painted wooden door and down the long hallway. As we walked though swiftly, I could see the room more and more.

We peered into the room cautiously, seeing a red-faced Shawn on the phone. No joke, his face was almost red. The Jacks noticed us and turned their heads from their seats to look at us desperately. Sammy followed their gaze and also looked straight at us, mouthing "What the fuck."

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