Chapter 71

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We found ourselves walking through the encampment towards the Baray a while later. The sound of familiar giggles and splashes of water reached our ears from a distance. There, swimming slowly and delicately, was a school of mermaids. Once they saw us, the mermaids waved their hands in delight.

"Little lord of the sea is coming hither! O with our fairest lady!" one of the Machas cried out. They giggled and gathered together as Samudra nodded to me to go to them. I looked back to the half-fish and half-maidens then took a deep breath.

Samudra had told me they knew everything about the aquatic world, and I must seek the secret from them. When I reached the stone edge of the pool, they swam over to me. Their sharp eyes shone with flirty mischief.

"Good maidens of the sea, I come here to ask for your help," I said and shifted awkwardly. "I and the avatars are trying to accomplish a quest that involves the Rainbow Fish. We do not know a thing about the creature. I wonder if you happen to know where we can find it."

"Ah, that ugly stinky tail. Indeed, we have heard," said one of the mermaids. "It has scales of ice and fire, has it not?"

The same mermaid swam on her back. Her hair was coal black, but the scales of her tail were jade green like seaweed.

"Yes! That very one!" I said, smiling hopefully.

The mermaids giggled. Their scales reflected the sunlight as they swam about. Some of them had tails of silver, blue or reddish hue. They floated back and forth lazily.

"But the knowledge is not held by us," said the silver-tailed mermaid as she swam by. "Trust me, you shall look but you shall not find. Even if you found the fish, you would be dead trying to catch it."

My face fell at that.

"Please tell me if you know how we can capture it," I said.

"The creature is holy but full of woe," another mermaid with blue tail chimed in with a giggle. She brushed her long swirling dark lock over her exposed breast. "You shall have troubles if you dare go near. One touch of its scale will reduce you to dust or freeze you to ice."

"I understand the risk, fair maidens," I told them. "But I am desperate to find the creature still. My friends and I have other important responsibilities on our shoulders. Please help me if you are merciful as you are lovely."

"Oh, such a honeyed mouth!" the mermaid giggled and turned to her merfriends. They whispered and giggled some more before looking back at me.

"We do not know the secret ourselves, but we can tell you who else to ask," said the silvery-tailed one. She wriggled her finger at me and I leaned closer. "There is nobody in the deep dark sea who knows where the holy fish lies but one mermaid."


"Sovannmacha, the queen of fishes and our merfolk."

"Sovannmacha?" I could hear my heart pounding in my ears with eagerness. "Where can I find her?"

"At the northern crook where the sea meets the land," she said. "There is a place so concealed only our kind can reach. She likes to frequent that undisturbed beach. If you're lucky, you shall find her there."

"But if you do find her, I must warn you," said another mermaid who swam in. "The queen will never fulfill a mortal's wish, and your hope might be in vain."

"Are there any way I can persuade her?" I asked them.

Suddenly, one of the youngest mermaids emerged out of nowhere and spurted water at my face. There was a roguish gleam in her reddish eyes.

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