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        It was my first day of school. Well, not literally, since we were already in the middle of the school term. What I meant was, it was my first day in a new school. My mom and I just moved to this small town one week ago. We didn't want to stay in the city... after what had happened. Anyway, I was trying to forget all that. I was in a new school, but I was as nervous as hell. I felt like I was an outcast trying to blend in. I had plenty of friends in my old school, but that was because the people in my school didn't care about nerds, it was one of those smart-ass schools, where practically everyone were nerds. But as I walked into this new school, I already knew nerds weren't appreciated. All the girls wore short mini skirts and tight tops and had their hair open, all the boys were muscular and wore those jackets that looked good only on cool people for some reason or the other.

        I remembered this morning. I was brushing my wavy, blond hair. I was thinking that I should keep it open, but then my mom walked in and started plaiting it. I guess I was kind of happy that she did it, I hate it when my hair is open. I seriously don't know why. 

        I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing a plain white t-shirt and baggy jeans. I adjusted my big, rimmed spectacles, took a deep breath, and went to try to make some friends. 

        I decided that the cool kids wouldn't accept me, so I just walked over to a boy that was standing by himself. In order to get to where the boy was standing, I had to walk past a group of cool kids. I guessed the girls were cheerleaders since they wore cheerleading outfits, and the boys were probably football players and the boyfriends of the cheerleaders. 

        I tried to walk quickly past them, but one of the boys saw me. Oh crap. 

        He walked up to me, his friends stayed where they were but they were watching intentely. 

        I hoped he would walk past me or something, but I knew better. He walked straight up to me.

        'Hey,' he said. It wasn't like a greeting, it sounded more like he was calling me. 

        I looked at his face and instantly regretted it. Shit, he was handsome. 

        'You must be new here,' he said.

        'Um, yeah,' I said.

        'I'm Dave,' he said.

        'Melanie,' I replied. 

        Wow, this was an interesting conversation. I forgot to mention, i'm also a very sarcastic person. 

        'Well, Melanie. Wanna hang out with the cool bunch?'

        I couldn't believe my ears. This was definitely a prank. I had been to three high schools. The first one was just like this, and I was considered an un-cool person. A reject. What was happening? 

        'Um, uh...sure,' I said. 

        I still expected him to say 'well, too bad' or 'get lost, nerd', but he didn't.

        'Okay, c'mon,' Dave said. 

        I decided to look at him once more. He was short, about 5'6', but still taller than me. He was really muscular and had short brown-ish blond hair. He was wearing a football jacket that had 'Middletown Cougars' on it. Shit, I was noticing his handsome-ness again. I quickly looked away.

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