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beautiful you are,
precious your smile is,
forever it will stay,
and forever it shall remain.

i can't help but smile at the sound of your laugh,
little giggles,
sprouting happiness and warmth.

you are the light of my life,
my all-in-all,
my previous bundle of flowers
in a garden that's dying.

you bring life to every word i speak,
and every lyric that i write.
you bring me happiness and giggles,
sunshine and rainbows.
and everything you are hearing, is all the way true,
my bundle of life.
my bundle of truth.

angelic is the only word i can use,
to describe no other being than you.
you make my heart burst at the smallest of compliments,
nothing like feeling lovesick at the moment.

i know everything grows thin but i want you to know, forever i will be,
and forever my love will stay.

-kang yebin.

FLOWER PRINCESS. || MINKYEBINWhere stories live. Discover now