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yebin paced back in forth in the hospital lobby, impatiently waiting for her girlfriend to come out.

it's been an hour and nothing has happened.

people walked through her in the meantime, and although she knew no one could see her, it really frightened her — she had asked someone a while ago and they promised to call her name, even if she wasn't 'in the room.' yebin felt her tears forming around her eyes as as quickly wiped them away.

the ghost was completely aware that she could float through the walls and enter minkyung's room that way, but it felt inhumanly wrong — she knew better then to spy like that. although yebin had been spying for all of her years as a ghost, this was somehow different.

i can't lose her again. i can't lose her again. i can't... i can't...

yebin took a deep breath before allowing all of her emotions to spill out as she fell to the ground, nearly falling through it. the other spirits looked at her in confusion, but she didn't care at the moment. hot tears slipped down her cheeks as yebin thought back to the days of ice cream and cuddles. she would never in a million years, forget it.

"my flower princess..." her voice was hoarse, and her hands turned into fists as she slammed them into mid-air. although the ghost couldn't feel physical pain anymore, emotional pain was different — it was the only human part of her left.

tears fell onto the floor and through it, and yebin started to float into the air as she got even more upset. she knew she was probably overreacting and that minkyung was more then likely okay. but the thought of losing her everything again...

she shuddered. it was happening again, yebin knew this. and yet, once again, she could do nothing to stop it.

FLOWER PRINCESS. || MINKYEBINWhere stories live. Discover now