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minkyung walked down the hallway, before completely stopping in her tracks. she had no clue where she was or where she was going. the only thing she did remember was that her best friend, im nayoung, was here.

for some reason, nayoung was the only friend she could remember.

the girl looked around anxiously, looking for her best friend. she fumbled with her stuff as she did, many of her books and notebooks falling onto the ground. "minkyung?"

the brunette whirled around, to come face to face with a very pretty girl. her eyes widened and she found it hard to breathe; the girl took her breath away. "do you need help?"

minkyung just stood there and the blonde took it as a sign that she could scoop up her items. "i heard what happened. do you remember me, unnie?"

minkyung slowly shook her head before taking her stuff from the other girl's hand. the shorter haired chuckled, making minkyung's eyes widen. it was... kind of cute.

"i'm kyungwon. we were dating before you had an anxiety attack."

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