Ego Sitting

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(( Author's Note:
This is a mini story that happens at the same time as the first part of Chapter 1 [The Solution to an Ego Problem]. While Mark and Sean are going to the lab for the first time, Amy is left to babysit the egos. Anti winds up locked in the basement and Dr. Schneeplestein was quarantined upstairs. This is how Amy's ego sitting actually went down. :P In case you were curious. ))

Amy watched as the car pulled out of the driveway and sighed, already hearing chaos from the living room. When she had first been asked to watch Sean's egos, she'd said no, but Mark explained that he didn't want them left alone, and was worried about taking them to the lab yet... then he'd flashed some puppy eyes and here she was. Deep down she knew he was right. Taking them to the lab was risky, even the guys going to the lab was risky, and leaving them all on their own was probably a disaster. Even her watching them was likely still going to be a disaster. She walked to the living room doorway to watch it all unfolding.

"Stop pulling at it!" Marvin whined, adjusting his cat mask for the third time. He was sitting on the end of the couch, with Chase beside him, trying to watch TV.

A few glitches running through his body, the creature was leaned over the back of the couch. "Sure." He hissed, fingers tapping against the cat ear again until the mask tilted on the man's face again.

"I said stop!" Marvin turned to glare at Anti as he adjusted the mask once more. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

Anti shrugged, giggling. "Better than this? Only thing better than this would be ending Jack... but he's not here right now so..." He reached out, grabbing the ear of the mask and twisted it to the side.

"Can't you just watch the movie with us, bro?" Chase groaned, throwing an arm over the back of the couch and half turned to watch Anti.

Anti's body twisted between realities as it twitched and he turned his focus to Chase. "Can't you just get custody of your kids?" He smirked. "And I'm not your bro." His high pitch giggle ripped through the air as Chase's mouth dropped into a frown and he glared up at the creature.

"Hey, hey!" Amy called. "That was a pretty low blow, even for..." She gestured to Anti. "Whatever the hell you are."

"Who are you again?" Anti giggled, turning to Amy with a smirk.

With a sigh, Amy crossed her arms, trying not to appear as nervous as she was, looking at that sharp-toothed grin. "Amy. I'm Mark's-"

Anti shook his head. "I don't care." He hissed, walking closer. "I'm THE Antisepticeye."

"Listen, if you don't play nice, I'm going to have to-" Amy began, but Anti quickly cut her off.

"Cry? Die?" Anti grinned. "Beg for mercy?" His voice pitched high and Amy covered her ears, cringing at the sound.

"I'll... get Darkiplier to come kick your ass! Again." Amy muttered.

Anti snarled, showing off all of his teeth. "He's. Never. Won." He shook his head, body glitching erratically. "Where is he? I can show you!"

Side stepping out of the glitch's path, Amy moved to open the basement door. "His office is down there." She explained, watching in relief as Anti headed down the stairs without questioning it. She slammed the door closed, and quickly grabbed a chair from the kitchen to hold it in place.

Of course she had lied. How else was she meant to deal with the dark entity? She knew so little about Antisepticeye. He was one of Sean's monsters, and it had taken enough time just to get used to Mark's. Darkiplier of course, wasn't in the basement, and in fact, he wasn't in the house at all. Amy didn't know how to contact him or where he was, and honestly she didn't want to know. The less she knew, the happier she was.

There was a clawing noise from inside the basement door and flashes of green and white light from the glitching could be seen under the door. "I will remember this." Anti hissed, followed by a high pitched giggle.

"Thanks, bro-ette!" Chase called cheerily from the couch, his happy demeanor returning.

Amy nodded. "No problem." She sighed, making her way back to the living room to do a head count. "Wasn't there... more of you?"

Marvin shrugged. "Jackieboy and Schneep are exploring the house."

"Grrrreat." Amy groaned, dropping down on the couch, beside the ever quiet, Jameson Jackson. She knew she should have looked for them, but Sean had promised her that most of his were safe. Anti was the dangerous one and he was locked in the basement now, besides, the less she knew, the happier she was.

An hour passed, and Amy had finally relaxed, watching the movie with Chase, Marvin and Jameson, who she had to admit, really were quite tame compared to most of Mark's egos. Suddenly the silence was broken by a shout from behind her. "You can't just test that on a human!"

Amy turned her head to find a man in a lab coat, wearing a surgical mask, with a needle poised to enter her shoulder. Jolting forward, Amy jumped off the couch and turned to face him, eyes wide. The doctor tilted his head, watching her, then turned to the source of the voice, the superhero who was standing a few feet behind him. "Dammit Jackie, I vas so close!"

"You have no idea what that would do to her!" Jackieboy protested.

"Zhat is vhy ve test, Mr. Man." Dr. Schneeplestein explained, in his odd German accent.

The superhero shook his head. "Not on humans!" He looked over the doctor's shoulder to Amy, giving her a small smile. "I'm so sorry Amy, he's not usually this aggressive."

"You know nohzing of my vork." The doctor waved a hand in the air. "And don't apologize to her! Ve owe her nohzing! Ve don't even know her."

"I'm not doing this.... I'm not doing it." Amy shook her head. "Upstairs! Now!"

"Vut?" Dr. Schneeplestein grumbled. "You are not my superior. You vill not-"

Amy walked around the couch, pointing to the stairs. "Don't make me call Sean!"

The doctor shook his head. "I am not ze child, and I vill not be treated as such!"

Jackieboy sighed, slowly making his way closer and patted the doctor's back. "Come on, do you really want to fight with Jack right now? You know he's going to be even more upset than I was, that you were trying to test that on a living person. Mark's girlfriend at that! He brought us here to help us, right? You owe him this much, don't you?" Amy tried to hide her cringe as Jackieboy assured the doctor that Sean had brought them here for their own good. It was for someone's good, but not so much theirs.

The doctor rolled his eyes and glared at Amy. "You vould have been fine." He began to climb the stairs and hesitated to look back at her. "Probably." He added, before turning back to his task. Amy cautiously followed him upstairs and directed him to the spare bedroom, then promptly locked him in.

Sighing, she leaned against the door. "What were you trying to test on me anyway?"

"A medical advancement!" Dr. Schneeplestein called through the door. "Ve still could!"

"I need more information than... a medical advancement." Amy mumbled, though she wasn't about to let the quack doctor give her some strange injection anyway.

There was a long silence and then the doctor cleared his throat. "No. I cannot. Patents and drug thieves and all zhat."

"Fine. Have it your way!" Amy grunted, and sighed, heading back downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, she found Jackieboy still standing there and sighed. "Thank you."

Jackieboy gave a slight bow and grinned. "A hero's duty."

"Can you come watch movies with the others now?" Amy asked softly. "I'd like the rest of tonight to just be calm." Jackieboy nodded his head in agreement and followed Amy back to the living room, settling in with the others. To Amy's great relief, separating out Anti and Dr. Schneeplestein seemed to diffuse the situation and the rest of the egos were happy to watch movies until the Mark and Sean eventually returned.

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