~ How Tiny WERE The Egos? ~

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Hi! You're all about to learn how absolutely insane I am, and how much I over thought weird details in this story.

So I'm honestly not sure how many of you noticed, but there were two measurements used to state how tiny the guys were when they shrunk down. I did this very much so on purpose. Also, these numbers aren't equal, and I was fully aware of that fact, while I was writing them in. So now you're getting all the weird details behind it!

First of all, the two measurements given, were given using the imperial system, which Mark would typically use being from the United States, and the other was metric, which Sean would typically use, being from Ireland and living in the UK. (I'm Canadian, and my family are kind of old school farmers... like we weren't farmers, but my mom was raised on a farm. Anyway, my point is that I grew up learning a lot of imperial measurements at home, and metric in school... so I have a rough understanding of imperial. XD)

So the guys are stated to be about 5 inches, and also 10 centimeters. For anyone who only knows one system (especially if that system is metric and you're used to all the numbers fitting together nicely), then you might think those two numbers are equal. Except, they're not.

5" = 12.7 cm
10 cm = 3.94"

So just how tiny are they then? Are they 10 centimeters or 5 inches? Simply put, the answer is neither. They're actually more between 4.4 and 4.6 inches, and therefore between 11.2 and 11.7 cm. I didn't decide exactly what height, and since the shrinking process isn't perfect (and Mark and Sean aren't the exact same height), there could be minute differences between the guys.

When was the last time that you estimated something was 4.4 inches or 11.7 cm? I can't even think of the last time I guessed something was 12 cm. I usually go with 10 or 15, unless I have to be more exact, and at that point I'm probably just going to measure it.

So, I had them round the numbers when they estimated the new height (including the narration). Those using the imperial system rounded up to 5 inches, and those using metric rounded down to 10 cm, (and the narration used whatever I was feeling in the moment), but the true height was actually somewhere in between.

I had literally already thought about this, and had it all planned out in my head within the first few chapters, basically as soon as the guys started shrinking. The first time you see it is in chapter 2, where mostly they're referred to as 5 inches, but Signe tells Sean that he's about 10 centimeters.

So if you hadn't noticed the numbers change at all, have fun going back and seeing where it says 5 inches and where it says 10 cm. XD And if you did notice... here's your explanation for why it was that way. :P

P.S. Tiny Mark claims that he was at least 5 inches tall, possibly taller, and that's a perfectly average height when shrunken by weird lasers, in the lab of a mad scientist. ;)

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