~ The Bullshit Science ~

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HISTE is based on some rather extreme science, all of which, I basically made up. It has a very loose base in real science, with some flare from movies, and I played with it until it sounded like it made sense. I didn't think any science majors were going to be reading this, so I figured it didn't have to make sense, it just had to sound like it did.

I have a very limited, and very basic knowledge of science. I based the ideas very loosely on the idea of parallel universes existing and with the most basic knowledge of string theory. What I know of string theory is that it's the idea that everything is connected, and those connections are based around vibrations and energy. I'm not even entirely sure that's correct, since string theory is extremely complex, and I know almost nothing about it. Taking those ideas though, I ran with the frame work that I could have several parallel dimensions, that were all connected by strings, and these connections could then potentially be triggered by vibrations and energy.

Jumping off that base, I started with "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" which used a laser to shrink people. I also drew inspiration from Ghost Busters which used beams to capture ghosts, and had other dimensions, as well as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory which featured Wonka Vision, with which they teleported a human after a bright flash of light, and in the process, shrunk them.

Yes, I did probably spend too long thinking about it, but let me walk you through the bullshit science that I created to make this story work.

The start of it all is Dr. Fraser Stewart and Dr. Frederick Szalinski's theory of the egos. The two scientists had been studying the possibility of other dimensions and inter-dimensional travel. Their theory stated (or perhaps they were working on the back of other researchers), that there are multiple dimensions nearly overlapping, and a tear could possibly be created between them with a series of high powered laser blasts, reflected at certain angles to then converge. The idea being that people could travel through these rifts, hopefully without destroying the world.

Their theory of the egos was that they were actually beings from these other dimensions, alternate versions of Mark and Jack, that had been sucked into our dimension by energy bursts. Energy bursts caused by a hive mind effect of all of the millions of fans, wishing them into existence at the same time. Whether or not this is how the egos actually existed in the world of HISTE, is unknown, and doesn't particularly matter. It was the theory that the scientists worked off of.

The first machine in the story was kept in a large room, mostly consisting of a large glass canister in the room, the top of which was bordered with laser guns, controlled precisely by control panels all over the walls, which were likely hooked up to one hell of a super computer.

This device called the Inter-dimensional Gateway by Dr. Stewart, or the Travel Portal of Lasers by Dr. Szalinski was meant to transport a person to a different dimension. However, the necessary calculated speed and heat of the lasers, needed to properly transport someone was harder to replicate in the real world, at least with the technology they had. Instead, the laser guns which Dr. Szalinski built, would overheat and melt their power supply, shutting off the laser before any kind of proper connection could be formed between dimensions. 

Perhaps not understanding the calculations, Dr. Stewart still believed that the machine could work, and convinced one of their lab assistants to be a guinea pig, with the promise of inter-dimensional travel and Earthly notoriety. This man died a gruesome death from the heat of the lasers, which Dr. Stewart covered up. He told Dr. Szalinksi about the test, but not the subject, and the scientist repaired the lasers. Their work was then interrupted by the police investigation which shut down the company.

Our story beings years later, when Dr. Stewart tempts Mark and Jack into bringing the egos to the old run down building to "get rid of them". The scientist is on the very fringe of his field now, unable to find work anywhere and reduced to working out of the old condemned building, using Dr. Szalinski's old machine. He convinces Mark and Jack that the device will get rid of their egos, making up a story about how it will cause them to merge, in hopes that he can lure the egos out of hiding, kill them and preserve them as specimens that he can use in his research of inter-dimensional beings. It's not a good plan, but he's a desperate man who had loose morals to begin with.

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