~ Not The Egos; More References ~

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Apparently I know about things outside of the egos, because I made several, non-ego related references. Some of these references were even for things that didn't involve Mark and Jack! Wow. Crazy.

I was really, really excited about some of these references, and a few of them, I thought up and then had to wait chapters until I could work them in, but they were worth it.

I have to start with the title, obviously. For those who live under a rock (or maybe didn't grow up in the 90s), the title [Honey, I Shrunk the Egos] is a reference to a 1989 movie called, "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids", which I haven't watched in years, but have very vague, but favorable childhood memories of.

From there, I think I'll cover the Mark and Jack references, since there are still a lot of those (of course).

In Ch 2 [No Short Jokes!], Mark says "Four foot nine is a joke! It's a joke!". Of course, anyone in the fandom probably isn't new to the short jokes surrounding Mark, but no one likes to make fun of Mark, quite as much as Mark likes to make fun of Mark. Despite being 5'9", Mark went through a phase where he would constantly claim that he was much shorter, often 4'9" and sometimes even 4'2", all spawning from people thinking Mark was fairly short after seeing him next to Bob and Wade, who are both over 6'. Hence the reason for the line, and the continued short jokes through out the book.

Also in Ch 2, Jack says, "Having your fans spam everyone with creepy pictures, including me, isn't the same thing." in response to Mark saying that he also spreads positivity. The reference here was to a crazy trend that Mark started on tumblr in early 2018, that got way out of hand before it eventually died off. It had everyone changing their tumblr profile pic to the creepy image below as a "mask" and running around telling everyone they needed to be happier and to put their mask on as well. Jack did make a claim at one point that yes, people were messaging him about it, and yes, it was annoying. Poor Jack.

You're welcome for that reminder, or introduction to that insanity if you weren't around for it

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You're welcome for that reminder, or introduction to that insanity if you weren't around for it. Moving along, in Ch 5 [Come on DOWN to Baby Bulk Buy!], Mark says "I'm Tyler, I have lots of questions.", which is a reference to what I'm going to call the "I'm Tyler" meme that existed at one point. As far as I can tell it may have started in the 7 seconds challenge video called [7 Second Challenge: LAUGHING WAY TOO HARD], but it may have existed before that point.

Mark says, "We would be going to Cracker Barrel, WAY before we went to Arby's" in Ch 11 [Who Wants to be Five Inches Tall?] as a call out to Mark's Cracker Barrel obsession. It's best show cased in the van vlogs, especially during the last one where they drive to Cracker Barrel, but he definitely talked about it non-stop during that time period. In the same chapter, Ed says, "I'm confused... when do the furry robots come out and make Mark scream like a bitch?", which is obviously a FNAF reference, because the building is creepy and abandoned.

In Ch 21 [World's Worst Easter Egg Hunt], as Jack has just pointed out that he goes by the name Jack, as well as his actual name Sean, Jim says, "It's the man with two first names! Never trust a man with two first names, he says, Jim!". Which, is a reference to the video [I'M DRUNK | World's Easiest Game (Drunk Edition) ], in which Jack says, "Never trust someone who has two first names" as a joke about the Jack Daniels that he's drinking. I love this video, for some reason, and so there's actually a second reference to it, when Robin says, "He's been drunker.", with Jack then referencing the bloopers from that video, saying, "Don't upload that video!" from Ch 28 [Less Than Peaceful Day Off].

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