A Knifeless Day

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(( Author's Note:
This is kind of a condensed side story that takes place starting around the middle of Chapter 2 [No Short Jokes] where Sean had just shrunk down and they were first starting to find the egos. Then it will continue along side everything else, ending around the start of Chapter 14 [Not The Static], when Robin had just arrived, and Sean and Signe were returning with the egos.
This is Anti's shrinking story, and how he ended up behind Sean's TV. ))

Anti was doing what Anti did best, getting ready to fuck with Sean's recording for the day. What did he have, if not making the youtuber's life more difficult? His work had come by many names, but the fans more often heard technical difficulties, computer errors and recording complications.

He was just outside of Sean's place when his glitching became uncontrollable. He quickly ducked into an alley to wait it out as he tried to get his form to stabilize. Then he felt it. The strange feeling that everything around him was getting bigger, as his clothes began to get baggy. The panic set in as his clothes literally toppled in on him while he shrunk, but he tried to keep his cool. When the shrinking finally stopped, he wiggled his way out of the sea of black fabric and shook his head. "Fucking..." He tugged at the material until he found his pants pocket and struggled to drag his knife out. As he tried to lift the large metal object, he growled, his glitching intensifying. With a defeated huff, he gave up, and with a lot of effort, dragged it under a nearby dumpster, where he could come back and get it later. "This is the fucking worst day." He muttered, keeping close to the wall as he walked along, until he found a hole and followed it inside.

Walking along the wall, Anti made his way through the hallways until he found himself outside of Sean and Signe's apartment. He pressed himself flat to the wall as he watched Signe leave, and then squeezed himself under the door. Grumbling to himself, Anti looked around at the towering furniture until he heard a sound and raced back to the safety of the wall. He looked around, keeping quiet until he saw Sean, pacing the middle of the table. Anti watched a moment before he dashed across the floor when Sean wasn't looking and hid underneath, listening to him.

"How did this happen?" Sean groaned, talking to himself as he paced. "Why does this always happen with them? Nothings ever straight forward." He stopped, shaking his head. "I can't blame them. This is my fault. We have to find them... we just have to." Anti held the table leg, narrowing his eyes as he listened, realizing that it WAS Sean's fault. HE had taken them to that laboratory in the first place. It was then that the door opened then and Signe reappeared. Sean let out a relieved sigh, smiling. "Woosh. Did you find clothes?"

When Signe came to the table, with a large grin on her face to show Sean what she had gotten, Anti raced back to the wall. He made his way along and slide under the door to the recording room. He wasn't ready to be found yet. Especially not in such a tiny, vulnerable position, and without a knife. He leaned against the door, still trying to listen in, until he eventually heard Sean and Signe leave. Crouching down, the glitch peeked out under the door to make sure they were gone, then stood up, stretching and looked around the room. "He did this." Anti giggled. "Well, I don't need a knife for revenge." Making his way over, Anti dug his claws into the computer and pried the side off. With a smirk, he stepped inside, letting his form glitch intensely with excitement as a few of the components flickered with him, and then everything turned off. "Good start." Anti hissed, crawling out of the computer.

He climbed his way up onto the chair, tearing a few rips into the seat with his claws before pulling himself up on the desk. He smirked, sticking his tiny hands under the keys to rip the caps out of the keyboard and then haphazardly tossed them off the desk. A bit tired at this point, Anti slipped back down onto the chair to rest for a bit.

As he laid between the rips in the chair, the glitch began to think. What if his new size was permanent? What if the others had shrunk? What if they were in danger? It was getting too real, and too sappy. As the glitch's form destabilized, he stood up and slid off the chair, letting out a hiss as he hit the ground. He squeezed back under the door and looked around the large space nervously. He really missed having his knife. He missed being his normal size. Then suddenly, he was angry about it. This was Sean's fault. The computer wasn't enough. Sean would pay.

Marching across the room, Anti starting to crawl onto the couch, struggling until he was able to glitch on top. Then he clambered up onto the arm, and took a running jump. He glitched through the air and managed to grab onto a cable for the TV. This seemed as good as revenge as any. As he struggled to hold onto the cable and destroy it at the same time, he heard voices, and then the door open. Growling slightly, he climbed his way up the cable, so he was hidden behind the TV. He had to do this before anyone found him. Taking a deep breath, he sunk his teeth into the rubbery covering on the cable and pulled some off, spitting it to the ground, then bit down again. He giggled excitedly, his form glitching as his static began to spread to the TV screen. He didn't have much time left before they found him, but he was determined to take the TV down with him.

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