Phantom Mom

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I haven't seen a ghost in my entire life, nor do I wish seeing one. I've experienced quite a few things that are unexplainable, but I don't really associate them with ghosts right away, because I don't want to scare myself. Such "unexplainable things" would be sliding windows opening by itself (no wind can do that!), or I would hear someone (or something) tapping on the wall.

I live on the 3rd floor of a 3-story house, and have also heard a lot of creepy stories about it. My aunt (owner of the house) would see a kid running around, an old lady at the 2nd floor, a shadow of a man by the kitchen and so on and so forth.

What I'm about to tell you in this story were experienced by my friends after staying at my house for a few minutes.

After a night of having fun, 3 of my friends (one of them is currently my boyfriend and can see ghosts) decided to drop by at my house for coffee and so that they could also make sure that I'm safely home.

'Twas around 3am, we haven't been drinking for about an hour or so, so we were kind of sobered up. They stayed at the living room (right next to our living room is a hallway that will lead you to 2 doors, one on the left leads to our bedroom and one on the right is unoccupied), and I told them to wait for me because I was going to pee before I fix a cup of coffee for each of them.

I heard them silently laughing, they were afraid that they might wake my mom and my kids up, as they were all soundly asleep. And then they went silent.

I got out of the bathroom and found them gone, I ran to the door and I saw them driving away. They had opened the car window and I saw them looking up at me, so I gave them the finger for leaving without even telling me.

That morning, I asked them for an explanation, as to why they just left like that. They told me, but the details were mostly given by my boyfriend, that they had heard someone walking in the hallway and thought that it was my mother. They all ran out of the house and drove away. As they were driving away, they were looking up at me, so that they could wave bye-bye. They said that when they saw me waving my middle finger at them, a middle aged lady was right beside me, arms across her chest giving them a sly look, wearing clothes that's indistinguishable.

I told them when I got out of the bathroom, no one was there, everyone was still asleep, and when I saw them drove away, there was no one beside me. My mom was sleeping soundly, and there was nobody else awake at that time, aside from me.


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