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This experience of mine happened when I was 11 years old. I was still in Grade 6 and was studying in a public school. It was Gen. Maximino Hizon Elementary School. The building where the classrooms were was separated from the part that was demolished after a fire. Even so, there were no rules saying that we cannot take a walk near the rubbles since there was a make-shift park there.

I remember that it was our Final Achievement Test. We were given three hours to finish three tests. I finished early and since the others were still busy answering, I decided to play with the daughter of the teacher who was assigned to be our proctor. We played for a while inside the room then she asked me if we could play at the playground downstairs. I asked permission from her mother then we went down.

We entered the playground and played. While I was on the swing with the little girl, I saw something from my peripheral vision. Being the curious kid I was, I looked at my right and what I saw shocked me, almost enough to make me fall from the swing.

I saw a white lady floating beside the statue of Virgin Mary. I'm used to seeing, feeling and hearing those that can't be seen easily. But this shocked me. Had she been a normal white lady, I would've ignored her. But no, she was not normal. She was headless and beside Virgin Mary.

I pulled our proctor's daughter immediately and told her that playtime's over. She asked me why but I didn't explain anything and just said that it's almost time for us 6th graders to go home. The girl didn't ask for anything more and we ran to the 3rd floor where our room was. To my luck, our proctor was packing her things while my classmates were chatting around. The girl walked to her mother and told her about our playtime while I sat on my seat and packed my things like nothing happened even though I'm scared and trembling inside.

I'm sure that the white lady wasn't a figment of my imagination. I know she was headless because I didn't see anything else from her neck up. I swear I was scared. Anyways, thanks for letting me share my story.

Source: https://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=12658

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