Hospital Experience

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I had a girlfriend before who has some handful of paranormal experiences. Again, I'm not this fanatic, but only a first-hand believer scary type of person. Yet I know, they exist.

One time, we were visiting a friend in a hospital which is on the 6th floor. While only the two of us in the elevator, I observed she trembles and presses her face on my chest and held my arms firmly, what I did is simply to embrace her until we reached the floor. She was just silent, and a bit restless since coming at the elevator. When I asks her if she was just okay, she just nod with a smile. We stayed for a couple of hours there but much of the visitors were old folks, and that we were simply out of place, so we went outside and told them, we'll be just outside.

In the lobby, there's a nurse station, and few people passing by on the left side and a bit empty and dark (maybe vacant rooms) on right side. We were sitting and talking at some benches on the middle, she was now a bit ease. Moments later while she was busy on her mobile, I wander around some few steps not so far from her. Around 10PM, when I was about to decide that we are to leave because visitors hour is over, I suddenly felt strange around the lobby. The air became dry, and a thin cold wind was blowing out of nowhere. Then a smell of something so awful, that it's like a mixture of a dead meat and strong chemical or something. Then from the right corner, I saw someone dressed on a black suit, like a business attire. A thin-middle aged pale person walking slowly with face down.

When I turned to my girlfriend, she was trembling and couldn't say a word, just shaking. I quickly held her and when I look back again, the person was gone, the lobby was empty. The smell was also gone and the atmosphere went back to normal again. I couldn't believe it he'll be gone that quick, he was just some steps away from us, then I was scared, a kind of late reaction. I told my girlfriend what I saw, and that she said it was the same person at the elevator earlier. I comfort her as much as I could, and that she said, it's been a while since she hadn't experience something like that. When she was calm enough, we then went back to the room of the patient, and told them we're leaving. On our way down, we really waited for many people to go with us in the elevator.


A Collection of Philippine Short Horror Stories and Urban Legends (WIP)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora