Were You Really Absent?

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I have been reading stories from this site for a while now since I just transferred to night shift. And such stories keep me awake at night while working LOL.

Anyways, this story happened when I was just in 2nd year or 3rd year high school (if I am not mistaken that was around 2005 or 2006). We were not in a K-12 curriculum yet that time. I studied in a Science High School somewhere in NCR (National Capital Region).

One day, I forgot to bring my packed lunch so my father brought it to the school during lunch break. Since outsiders are not allowed to enter school premises and students were not allowed to go outside also, I just went to see papa at the gate to get my lunch. I was with my classmate Jane (not her real name) who will get her lunch also. Jane and I saw Joe (not his real name) near guard house as if waiting for someone or something also. By the way, it was a practice that while waiting for our lunch meal brought by our parents or anyone, we can stay at the guard house near the main gate of the school. So we concluded that he was also waiting for his lunch.

Joe was our classmate in our Elective subject. He was from the the other section but we became friends since he's bubbly and really friendly.

Going back, Jane and I saw him. We greeted him and he just nodded. After Jane and I got our lunch, we went back to our classroom, that's where we usually eat since during breaktime, canteen's overloaded with students and teachers eating.

The next day, during our Elective subject, I talked to Joe while waiting for our teacher. He said that he was still not feeling well. He had fever for 2 days and he just came to school that day because of scheduled long quiz we had. And I was like, "WHAT!?" I told him, (paraphrased) "Were you really absent yesterday? Jane and I saw you at the guard house yesterday waiting for your lunch." He answered, "How come? I was down with fever for 2 days and I just slept the whole day yesterday."

So, okay. That was not really creepy. I can't remember being scared when I knew that he was actually absent the day we saw him. I just let it pass. But, I can't forget that. I don't have any other first hand experiences aside from this one.

Source: https://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=25034

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